- Early Paleozoic magmatic arc 早古生代岛弧
- The Bayan Bold gold deposit, which is related to granite-porphyry formed in Early Paleozoic island arc environment, is of a mesothermal type. 通过综合研究认为,苏尼特左旗存在两种不同成因类型的金矿:一种是以白音宝力道金矿为代表的、与形成于早古生代岛弧的花岗斑岩有关的中温热液型金矿;
- Longshan complex, the junction of Qinling-Qilian orogen, Archean TTG, southern margin of North China Craton, early Paleozoic, island arc volcanics, Xinjie Complex. 01陇山杂岩:秦岭-祁连构造结合部位;太古代TTG;华北地块南缘;早古生代;岛弧火山岩;新街片麻岩套
- The Ellsworth basin lay between the epicontinental basin and the marginal magmatic arc during the Devonian. 除了上述两个沉积盆地外,在罗斯海两边却出露了火山岩,说明该地当时处于俯冲带附近的火山弧中。
- The volcanic basins were developed under the setting of regional strike-slip and circum-Pacific magma arc. 火山岩盆地出现于区域性走滑剪切和环太平洋岩浆弧背景下。
- Accordingly, the South China was an Early Paleozoic orogenic belt instead of the Cathaysian Block (Paleocontinent). 因此,华南是早古生代形成的造山带,而不是华夏地块(古陆)。
- This ore deposit formed in the epicontinental volcano magma arc area and is related to the brittile fracture zone and ultrahypabyssal dikes in genesis. 该矿产于陆缘火山岩岩浆弧区,其成矿与强应变构造带及浅成、超浅成脉岩有关。
- Early Paleozoic high-overmature strata are important source rock in Chinese petroliferous basins. 下古生界高过成熟地层是我国重要的烃源岩。
- Myriapod animals were probably one of the invertebrate animal groups that first colonized the terrestrial ecosystem during Early Paleozoic. 摘要多足动物可能是最早人侵陆地环境的无脊椎动物之一。
- Feng Zengzhao, Chen Jixing et al.1991. Lithofacies paleogeography of early Paleozoic of ordos.Beijing:Geological Publishing House(in Chinese). 冯增昭;陈继兴等.;1991
- The homoclinal reverse fold occurred in the Meso-Proterozoic.The superimposed fold in the late stage occurred in the Early Paleozoic. 主期褶皱形成于中元古代,晚期褶皱形成于早古生代;
- Ancient plant in the early Paleozoic marine mainly to the late Silurian Period, the original plants begin boarding land. 古植物在古生代早期以海生藻类为主,至志留纪末期,原始植物开始登上陆地。
- Livingston Island constains several distinctive sedimentary and volcanic sequences, which document the history and evolution of an important part of the South Shetland Islands magmatic arc. 西南极南设得兰群岛利文斯顿岛赫德半岛中分布的一套主要由复理石相岩石组成的低级变质沉积岩(迈尔斯陡崖组)被认为是中-新生代火山岩的基底(晚古生代-早中生代?)
- For example, the eastern North China tableland is Early Paleozoic restricted oceanic tableland, while the western is the Paleozoic epicontinental tableland. 如华北台地,其中东部为早古生代局限海台地,西部为古生代陆表海台地;
- The major structure in the area is the NE-NNE folded belt consisting of Banxi Group of the Middle Proterozoic era to the Ordovician system of the Early Paleozoic era. 由新元古界板溪群至下古生界奥陶系所构成的NE-NNE向褶皱带为区内主体构造;
- The age of granulite facies metamorphism of Baishahe rock series is early Paleozoic rather than early Proterozoic,it was certified by zircon SHRIMP age of from Al-rich gneiss. 白沙河岩系泥质变质岩石的变质锆石SHRIMP微区定年表明、白日其利沟以及金水口等地的白沙河岩系局部麻粒岩相变质作用时代为早古生代,而不是前人认为的早元古代。
- Most porphyry Cu deposits in the world occur in magmatic arc settings and are formed in association with calc-alkaline arc magmas related to subduction of oceanic-slab. 摘要世界范围内大型-巨型斑岩铜矿多数产于岩浆弧(岛弧、陆缘弧)环境,含矿斑岩岩浆起源与大洋板块的俯冲作用有关。
- The priciple of cyclic sedimentation applies to deposits dating from earliest Paleozoic time to the Holocene. 旋回沉积原理适用于始于最早的古生代迄至全新世的沉积物。