- Solid Propellant Rocket Intercept Early Missile Test Radar 固体推进剂火箭拦截的早期导弹试验雷达
- Early Missile Test 初期导弹试验
- Sprint Early Missile Test Radar 早期导弹测控雷达
- Zeus Early Missile Test Radar "宙斯"早期导弹测试雷达
- This missile test has rattled the Japanese. 中国此次试射导弹使日本非常不安。
- N.Korea may be planning missile tests. 朝鲜可能正在计划导弹测试。
- There was little information, however, about a missile test which China conducted in January. 但是,对于中国月份的导弹试验,信息很少。美国在中国发射中程弹道导弹击毁卫星后与其它国家发表了正式的社交抗议。
- In this paper,the design of missile test system developed in LabWindows/CVI is introduced. 介绍在LabW indows/CVI环境下开发导弹检测系统的设计过程。
- Rival North Korea launched its own rocket four months ago but that was widely seen as a disguised missile test. 对手北朝鲜四个月前发射了自己的火箭,但该举动被普遍视为变相的导弹试验。
- Abroad, Mr Obama has won applause, although Republicans noted that his big speech on nuclear disarmament was upstaged by a North Korean missile test. 虽然共和党批评正是奥巴马有关裁减核武器的讲话导致了朝鲜的导弹试验,但在国外政策上,奥巴马依然赢得了热烈喝彩的掌声。
- North Korea said it was sending a satellite into orbit, but its neighbours suspect the launch was a cover for a long-range missile test. 北朝鲜官方说他们将一颗人造卫星送入了轨道,但是它的邻国们怀疑这次发射代替了远程导弹试射。
- Republicans berate him for exuding weakness, noting that his big speech on nuclear disarmament was upstaged by a North Korean missile test. 共和党指责奥巴马的软弱,这边总统发布关于核裁军的长篇大论,那边北朝鲜就开始了导弹测试。
- Pyongyang says it launched a satellite into orbit but the United States, Japan, and others say it was a ballistic missile test. 平壤说,它将一颗卫星送入轨道,但是美国、日本和其他一些国家说,那是一次弹道导弹试射。
- Many missile test systems have problems of focusing on application and despising design, and these systems lack hierarchy and reusability. 摘要许多导弹测试系统存在重应用、轻设计问题,开发的软件系统层次性和复用性差;
- Yemen said at the time that it was the last shipment from an earlier missile purchase and would not be repeated. 也门说当时这是最后一次由于先前的同北韩的导弹购买交易而运送武器,以后不会再有。
- "We need look no further than today's news of an Iranian long-range missile test, a missile capable of carrying a nuclear payload to Israel," he noted. “我们只要看看今天伊朗测试远程导弹的新闻就够了。这个导弹能够携带核弹击中以色列。
- We started early in order to arrive before dark. 为了在天黑前到达,我们很早就动身了。
- Thursday's exercise was conducted as the United States, Japan and other countries are monitoring North Korea's reported preparations for a long-range missile test. 周四演习由美军指挥,日本以及其他成员国监控朝鲜远距离导弹试射准备工作。
- Analysts say the launch is likely to draw a firmer response if the rocket's passes over Japanese territory, as a North Korean medium-range missile test did in 1998. 分析人士说,北韩的发射假如越过日本上空,就一定会引来日本强硬的反应,就像北韩1998年发射一颗中程导弹那次一样。
- In hopes of deterring a new missile test, Japan could threaten North Korea with economic retaliation, but Temple University's Dujaric says that Japan does not have many options. 值得注意的是北韩发射远程弹道导弹仍然存在很大的变数。他说:"如果美日表现出足够的强硬姿态,北韩有可能取消发射计划,或以另一种方式取代。”