- ETL (extended temporal logic) 扩展时序逻辑
- And temporal logic can be extended. 可以扩展时态逻辑。
- We can also extend the language of temporal logic to include quantifiers over collections of values in databases. 我们还可以扩展时态逻辑的语言以包括数据库中值集合的量词。
- Then we ll take a look at a tool for processing temporal logic assertions. 然后,我们将研究用于处理时态逻辑断言的工具。
- Anthony Galton, Temporal Logic in the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. 这是与逻辑学相关的小作品。你可以透过编辑或修订扩充其内容。
- In this article, we will only consider the temporal logic that models the future as a linear sequence of events. 在本文中,我们将只考虑把未来当作为事件的线性序列模型的时态逻辑。
- So, in this case, you can get away without using temporal logic assertions, but the task is much more difficult. 因此,在本例中,您可以根本不用时态逻辑断言就能完成任务,但会困难得多。
- Temporal logic assertions are also useful for diagnosing such errors in the first place. 首先,时态逻辑断言对于诊断此类错误也是有用的。
- Temporal logic is a formalism used to describe how a program state will change with time. 时态逻辑是用于描述程序状态如何随时间而更改的形式体系。
- SMV -- checking finite state systems against specifications in temporal logic CTL. smv检查在临时逻辑CTL中的非规格有限系统。
- Understand the contactless IC card of knowledge, learn how to prepare plans based on temporal logic utility. 了解接触式IC卡的知识,学会如何根据时序逻辑图编写实用程序。
- A new idea is presented to introduce the linear temporal logic (LTL) technology and analog information into a fault diagnosis system for high voltage (HV) transmission lines. 提出了将线性时态逻辑(LTL)技术和电网故障模拟量信息引入高压输电线系统故障诊断的新思想。
- This paper introduces the temporal logic language XYZ/E,and then describes the gasbumer control problem in XYZ/RBE and XYZ diagram. 本文给出了时序逻辑语言XYZ/E的相关介绍,并利用XYZ/E的子语言XYZ/RBE与XYZ图描述了煤气炉实时控制问题。
- In the applications of model checking, the software properties are usually depicted by Linear Temporal Logic (LTL) formulas. 摘要在模型检查应用中,需要使用线性时态逻辑对软件具备的特性进行描述。
- By treating service requests as temporal logic conditions and web services as temporal models, ASMA does service matchmaking through model checking. ASMA将服务请求统一描述为一种时态约束条件,基于ASM-TL将服务转换为一种时态模型,并引入模型检验的思想进行服务匹配。
- The Inference Engine of Extended Interval Temporal Logic 扩展时段时序逻辑的推理机制
- In this article, Eric Allen discusses assertions, introduces temporal logic, and describes a tool for processing temporal logic assertions in your programs. 在本文中,Eric Allen将讨论断言,介绍时态逻辑并描述用于处理程序中时态逻辑断言的工具。
- Temporal logic assertions like these can help you to leverage unit testing to a greater degree because each temporal logic assertion can correspond to many traditional assertions. 这类时态逻辑可以帮助您将单元测试提升到更高的程度,因为每个时态逻辑断言都可以与许多传统断言对应。
- That temporal logic can help to provide much more powerful assertions over methods in programs, helping to enforce invariants that are otherwise hard to express formally. 时态逻辑有助于提供比程序中的方法更有力的断言,从而有助于增强用其它方式难以正式表达的不变量。
- This circuit is of Independence and perfectibility hence can be used to fabricate Deka-Value logic systems and implement any Deka-Value combinatorial logic and temporal logic. 十值T门在构成十值逻辑系统时具有独立的完备性,它们可用于实现任何十值组合逻辑和时序逻辑。