- ER related to mitochondrion 与线粒体有关的内质网
- ER related to other cell component 与其他细胞成分有关的内质网
- No doubt her death is related to politics. 她的死无疑和政治有关。
- These two events were related to each other. 这两个事件相互有联系。
- Nuclear genes phylogenetically related to mitochondrial homologs were discovered in Archezoa, including Giardia(4,5). 在种系发生上与线粒体同系物相关的核基因在源真核生物中也找得到,包括鞭毛虫(4,5)。
- Are you related to Uncle Xu of our village? 你和我们村的徐大爷是亲戚吗?
- I am related to her by marriage. 我和她有姻亲关系。
- Was he related to anyone of importance? 他跟什么要人有关系吗?
- Wealth is seldom related to happiness. 财富鲜与幸福相关。
- In Giardia, proteins involved in iron-sulfur cluster assembly and protein folding appear closely related to mitochondrial homologs and localize to a relict mitosome (6,7). 在贾第虫硫化铁族集中有蛋白质,蛋白质折叠与线粒体同系物有紧密关系,位于残余体的纺锤体中(6,7)。
- He is distantly related to the family. 他与那个家族关系较远。
- All things were related to all other things. 所有事物都是和所有其他事物相联系的。
- Related to or resulting from alcohol. 酒精的与酒精有关的或由酒精制成的
- He had concern for nothing except what related to himself. 那时候,除了有关他自己的事,别的他什么也不关心。
- Most of the lecture related to the causes of common ailments. 演说的大部分是关于普通疾病的原因的。
- Some adults can't relate to children. 有些成年人不理解儿童的想法。
- In fact,it has been reported that chloroplast sHSP ,cytosolic sHSP and ER sHSP are related to the ability of cold-resistance. But it does not know if the mitochondrion sHSP has the same protective functions against cold sresses too. 此外,番茄线粒体sHSP能够被冷诱导,已有实验证明叶绿体sHSP、内质网sHSP、细胞质sHSP与细胞的耐冷性有关,而线粒体sHSP是否也与植物的耐冷性有关还不清楚
- He face three charges relating to firearms. 他面临三个与火器有关的指控。
- In fact,it has been reported that mitochondrion sHSP ,cytosolic sHSP and ER sHSP are related to the ability of cold-tolerance. But it does not know if the chloroplast sHSP has the same pretective functions against cold sresses too. 已有实验证明线粒体sHSP、内质网sHSP、细胞质sHSP与细胞的耐寒性有关,而叶绿体sHSP是否也与植物的耐寒性有关还不清楚。
- Relating to or suggestive of an elf. 小精灵的小精灵的或暗指小精灵的