- Longyan city, developing from the ancient Tingzhou and Longyan, has an all-round relationship with Taiwan in blood, geography, culture, commerce and law. 摘要古汀州府和龙岩州衍化发展的龙岩市,与台湾有全方位的血缘、地缘、文缘、商缘、法缘关系。
- In commerce and usury field , Jew is more activity. 在商业和信贷业领域,犹太人更为活跃。
- There are curious parallels between medicine and law. 在医学和法律之间有著奇特的相似之处。
- Virus Imperils Commerce and Economy in Asian Hub. 肺炎病毒危及亚洲中心的商业和经济.
- Adam D Thierer. E commerce A Taxing issue[J].Heritage views,2004,(4):18-20. 孙宝文.;电子商务税收征管系统建设构想[J]
- Judges and law courts dispense justice justly. 法官和法庭公正执法。
- And Law of Attraction gives you more of what is. 而吸引力定律又会给你更多的"现在的状况".
- Liberty and law advance pari passu. 自由与法律以同等的比例发展。
- The turnover of commerce and trade of Beijing was expanded. 北京贸易流通量继续扩大。
- Pete wilson,the governor,buy a mickey mouse toy for his secretary's new baby through e commerce. 皮特。威尔逊州长通过电子商务邮件给他秘书刚出生的宝贝买了一个米老鼠玩具。
- The practice and law of international trade II. 国际贸易实务与法律2。
- This is the Faculty of Commerce and Accountancy building. 这是法政大学的商业与会计学系大楼。
- With the popularity of Internet and the development of IT, E commerce is now in the ascendant. 随着互联网的普及以及信息技术的不断发展 ,电子商务的热潮方兴未艾。
- I give you myself before preaching and law. 我把我自己交给你,在教义与法律面前。
- So P2P has great potential value on commerce and te chnology. 因此,P2P蕴涵着巨大的商业和技术潜在价值。
- He was the leader and Law giver of Israel. 他是以色列的领袖;也给他们律法.
- The god of commerce and road was the wing-footed messenger Hermes. 掌管商业、道路之神是健步如飞的众神使者赫尔墨斯。
- The evidence problems arising from E commerce consist of two aspects:first,admissibility of data message,second,the evidential weight of data message. 电子商务所引起的证据效力的问题主要包括两方面 ,第一方面是计算机所储存的数据或数据讯息能否在诉讼中被法院采纳为证据即证据可采纳性问题 ,第二个方面是数据的证据价值或证据力的问题。
- New York is the concentrate of art and commerce and finance. 纽约是艺术、商业和金融中心的缩影。
- E commerce, as a new mode of commercial activity operating mainly by means of EDI and internet will substantially change approaches in commercial trade. 电子商务是一种以电子数据交换 (EDI)和因特网上交易为主要内容的新型商务运作方式 ,是对传统贸易方式的一次重大变革。