- Dwarf and big spike wheat 矮秆大穗小麦
- In this study,photosynthesis,respiration and root vitality of typic big spike wheat varieties (lines) were studied. 结果表明:(1)大穗小麦的根系吸收能力高于一般小麦品种,根系活力比对照品种提高23。
- Zhou 8425(A-,B)is bred in rye x wheat with stair-crossbreeding,Contain the variety origins of Italian St2422/464 and England Nainari60. Zhou 8425 ( A, B) has significant disease-resistancd and big spike with short-stem. 周8425(A、B)是利用小黑麦与普通小麦阶梯复合杂交育成;另含有意大利St2422/464、英国Nainari60;等品种血缘;抗病性突出;且矮秆大穗.
- Look, those with 116 have thick bundle and big spike without unripe grain, while those without 116 have small spike and some unripe grain. 看用116肥的撮粗穗大,还没有秕粒,没用的穗小不饱满而且还有秕粒。”
- When night fell, the dwarf and his horse slept on the grass. 夜晚来临时,侏儒和他的马双双席地而眠。
- Remove quilts, comforters, and big soft pillows. 拿走棉被,橡皮奶头和又大又软的枕头。
- Baby: It has small eyes and big ears. 它的眼睛小小的,耳朵大大的。
- Pigs have short legs and big ears. 猪有短短的腿和大大的耳朵。
- A little of stinging rain, and big old fat rain. 牛毛细雨,瓢泊大雨。
- B: You can see slow turtles and big elephants. 你能看见慢吞吞的乌龟和一个大象。
- The results indicated that differences in population dynamic, development of spike and floret, and grain filling existed between small and large spike wheat cultivars. 结果表明.多穗型和大穗型冬小麦品种在群体动态变化、小穗和小花发育、籽粒灌浆过程等方面有较大差异。
- The river is not deep and big ships can not use it. 这条河不深,大船不能航行。
- First , choose a fresh and big strawberry. 首先,选一只又大又新鲜的草莓。
- Don't be overawed by authorities and big names. 不要被权威名人所吓倒。
- An elephant has small eyes and big ears. 大象有一双小眼睛和一对大耳朵。
- Protoceratops had a large head and big body. 原角龙的脑袋和躯干都很大。
- Sets are tyres with tubes and big sizes with naps. 该套车胎由带防滑钉的轮胎和大号座筒组成.
- A group of dwarf and gnome miners needs an escort to a distant mining site. 一队矮人与侏儒矿工需要到远方矿场的护送。
- "Once in a while, the observations showed a big spike which we missed," says Munk. 芒克说:“然而有时,我们所观察的也会失误。
- A furry,deep black and big big were wolf. 一只毛茸茸、黑漆漆、还有很大只很大只的狼人。