- Duke is no ordinary chap. 公爵可不是一般的家伙。
- Samsung's accuser is no ordinary whistleblower. 三星的控告者不是一个普通的检举人。
- Jesus Christ is no ordinary pearl. 耶稣基督不是普通的珍珠,
- But Ueda is no drill sergeant, and this is no ordinary boot camp. 上田并不是教官,这儿也不是什么普通的新兵营。
- But Ueda is no drill sergeant,and this is no ordinary boot camp. 上田并不是教官,这儿也不是什么普通的新兵营。
- See, I told you this blanket is no ordinary blanket. 看,我告诉过你这张毯子不是普通的毯子。
- The white poplar is no ordinary tree. Let me sing its praises. 白杨树实在是不平凡的,我赞美白杨树!
- It goes against the flow but PDI is no ordinary firm. 举个例子,可能某个人告诉我他很喜欢阅读。
- Wow. What? You don't think you need help here? Susan is no ordinary woman. 什么,你不认为你需要点帮助吗?Susan可不是个普通的女人。
- The sight of half-laden container ships plying the seas is another clue that this is no ordinary recession. 空载一半的集装箱船航行过海,从另一个角度提醒我们:这不是一场普通的经济衰退。
- The Bible is no ordinary book; it does not contain man's ideas. It is God speaking to us. Start to read the Bible, today. 圣经不是一本普通的书;它没有人的思想。它是神对我们说的话。今天就开始阅读圣经吧。
- The Duke is holding a press conference. 公爵正在举行记者招待会。
- But even as he collected his best director award, with his tie askew and his hair dishevelled, it was clear that Peter Jackson is no ordinary Hollywood hero - and never has been. 但即使当他上台领取他的(奥斯卡)“最佳导演”的时候,他那歪斜的领带和乱散的头发,清楚表明彼得.;杰克逊不属于普通的荷里活的英雄,而且从来没有成为过。
- This is no ordinary pesticide though, its an untested turbo DDT varient and the unsuspecting hippies get saturated with it. 这绝不是普通农药但是,其测试的涡轮滴滴涕变异和不知情的嬉皮士获得饱和它。
- As the video shows, the production Supersport features minor design tweaks that hint this is no ordinary Bentley Continental GT. 由于录像显示,制作超级功能设计优化未成年人的暗示,这是不是普通的本特利大陆GT。
- Weird Al is typically a singer. However he is no ordinary singer. While most singers sang original score written by other composers, he does not. 他其实是一名歌手。但他不是一般的歌手。大部分歌手唱的歌是由别人,作曲家,独创的。他不是。
- It is no fun betting on a sure thing. 对必然要发生的事打赌是毫无意义的。
- The Duke is not paid for his trade and investment work. 约克公爵为英国贸易和投资所做的工作没有报酬。
- There is no doubt that we will be successful. 毫无疑问我们会成功的。
- There is no sign of a let-up in the hijack crisis. 绑架危机毫无缓和迹象。