- Dual Key cryptosystem 双钥密码体制
- This paper presents a new type of public key cryptosystem. 本文提出了一种新型公开密钥保密通信方案。
- How Public Key Cryptosystem Confronts the Challenge from Quantum Computing? 公钥密码如何应对量子计算的挑战?
- RSA algorithm is one of the most important algorithms in public key cryptosystem. RSA算法是公钥密码系统的重要算法之一。
- In NTRU public key cryptosystem,it is very important whether or not a polynomial has inverse. 在NTRU公钥密码体制中,一个多项式是否有逆多项式是一个很重要的问题。
- Kerberos protocol is an authentication protocol based on private key cryptosystem. Kerberos协议是基于私钥密码系统的身份认证协议。
- A public key cryptosystem based on RSA is presented to overcome some short-cominis of RSA. 本文提出了一种基于RSA的公开钥密码体制,其加、脱密算法具有与RSA相同量级的时间复杂性,并克服了RSA体制及现已提出的各种RSA修改体制中的一些缺点。
- The protocol was built on both the Diffie-Hellman key exchange protocol and the RSA public key cryptosystem. 协议建立在Diffie-Hellman密钥交换协议和RSA公钥密码体系之上。
- A secret sharing scheme with access structures is proposed, which is based on LUC public key cryptosystem. 摘要基于LUC公钥密码体制提出了一个访问结构上的秘密共享方案。
- In 1985, the finite automaton public key cryptosystem was proposed. It stimulates the investigation of invertibility of finite automata. 有限自动机公开钥密码体制的提出进一步激励了有限自动机可逆性的研究.
- The concept of composition of finite automata is first proposed in finite automaton public key cryptosystem. 在有限自动机公开钥密码体制中首次提出了自动机化合的概念.
- A dynamic secret sharing scheme based on Knapsack public key cryptosystem is proposed in this paper. 基于背包公钥密码体制,提出了一个公开可验证的动态秘密分享方式。
- The dual key would prove to be a frustrating impediment to protecting the Bosnians, but it marked another step in the long, tortuous process of moving Europe and the UN to a more aggressive posture. 双钥体制将被证明是对保护波斯尼亚人的一个阻碍,但它标志着在推动欧洲和联合国采取更积极态度的漫长而又艰辛的过程中又前进了一步。
- In order to let everyone accept these internet transactions, a useful and safe public key cryptosystem is needed. 为了让人能接受以上这些应用在网路交易的形式,一个有效且安全的公开金钥密码系统是非常重要的。
- The public key cryptosystem or the asymmetric cryptosystem is an important way to implement and ensure information security. 公开钥密码系统或非对称密码系统是实现和保障信息安全的一种重要方式。
- This course will introduce the basics of number theory, symmetric key/public key cryptosystem, and the security model and analysis techniques. 密码学的介绍将以观念与理论背景的介绍,建立学生的密码学基础,再引入密码系统、数值签章、密秘共享等基础的密码知识。
- This article puts forward to a judgement theorem about inverse of a polynomial in NTRU public key cryptosystem,and proves the judgement theorem. 本文介绍了NTRU公钥密码体制,给出了NTRU中多项式是否有逆的判定定理,并对所提出的定理进行了相应的证明。
- The elliptic curve cryptosystem is a cryptosystem with high safety in digital signature that based on public key cryptosystem. 椭圆曲线密码体制是通用公钥密码体制签名中安全性很好的公钥密码体制。
- Elliptic Curve Cryptosystem (ECC) belongs to public key cryptosystem algorithm which is a new technology.It is used for a basic digital signature. 摘要椭圆曲线密码体制(ECC)属于公开密钥算法,作为一种比较新的技术已逐渐被人们用作基本的数字签名系统。
- Based on an improved signcryption technique and the ID-based public key cryptosystem, a new authentication and key agreement protocol is proposed. 摘要在改进现有签密技术的基础上,基于身份(ID)的公钥密码系统,提出了一个基于ID的认证及密钥协商协议。