- Conflict and Complementarity of the Ideal--Comparison of Li Bai and Du Fu'Poetic Value Outlook 理想的冲突与互补--李杜诗歌价值观比较
- Du Fu poetics 杜诗学
- Du Fu, Gao Shi are the poets who lived on the Tang Dynasty poetic world. 摘要杜甫、高适同为活跃于盛唐诗坛上的诗人,相互间有数次同游,并在交往中结下了深厚的情谊。
- The Du Fu rs Cottage is a commemorative museum. 杜甫草堂是一座纪念馆。
- The Du Fu's Cottage is a commemorative museum. 杜甫草堂是一座纪念馆。
- Li Bai was contemporary with Du Fu. 李白和杜甫是同时代的人。
- Du fu was the renowned master of Chinese poetry. 杜甫是我国著名的诗坛圣手。
- Such a “reverie” is tinctured with the poetic romance of Li Po the great Tang poet, while not lacking the depression and disquietness of Du Fu another great Tang poet. 如此“幻想”,颇具李白式的浪漫与诗意,又不乏杜甫式的沉郁与忧虑。
- Li Bai and Du Fu were famous poets in ancient China. 李白和杜甫是中国古代的著名诗人。
- The museum has a collection of Du Fu rs poems and paintings. 纪念馆收藏了杜甫诗作和绘画作品。
- The museum has a collection of Du Fu's poems and paintings. 纪念馆收藏了杜甫诗作和绘画作品。
- Study of Qian Qianyi's views of the poetry of Du Fu. 钱谦益杜学研究。
- Li Bai and Du Fu were two great geniuses in the Tang dynasty. 李白和杜甫是唐代的两位伟大的天才。
- Some of poems composed by Du Fu are associated with wine drinking. 杜甫写的有些诗歌和饮酒有关。
- Du Fu's poetry had an overall influence on Yuan Haowen's style. 摘要杜甫诗歌对遗山词风的影响是全面的。
- This paper attempts an examination of these two aspects of his poetic creation by tracing its origin far back to QU Yuan, DU Fu and LI Bai in culture and in esthetics for the angle of culturology. 本文试图以文化学为视角审视屈大均诗与屈原、杜甫、李白诗在文化上、美学上的渊源关系,阐述屈大均诗歌表现出来的中华传统精神与美学品格。
- Whose poetry reminds Chinese readers of Du Fu or Li Bai? Whose of Su Dongpo? 谁的诗歌让中国的读者想起杜甫或者李白?还有苏东坡呢?
- Some of poems composed by Du Fu are assoc ia ted with wine drinking. 杜甫写的有些诗歌和饮酒有关。
- Li Bai and Du Fu figure most prominently in the history of Chinese poetry. 李白和杜甫在中国的诗史上居于出类拔萃的地位。
- So, Yuan Haowen can be called the true follower of Du Fu among the ci writers. 因此,称遗山词为词中的“杜陵嫡派”是毫不为过的。