- Yunnan has the Dulong is one of the nation, live in Gongshan Dulong Nu Autonomous County of Yunnan Province and Myanmar in the northwest border of the Drung River Basin. 独龙族是云南的都有民族之一,聚居于云南省贡山独龙族怒族自治县西北部中缅边境一线的独龙江流域。
- Drung River Basin 独龙江流域
- Primitive tribes live in the Amazon River basin. 原始部落居住在亚马逊河盆地。
- South America: Amazon River basin. 南美洲:亚马逊河流域。
- South America: Paraguay River basin. 南美洲:巴拉圭河流域。
- Gazetteer South America: Madeira River basin. 南美洲:马得拉群岛河流域。
- Gazetteer South America: Paraguay River basin. 南美洲:巴拉圭河流域。
- Gazetteer South America: Negro River basin. 南美洲:尼格罗河流域。
- Gazetteer South America: Upper Amazon River basin. 南美洲:亚马逊河上游河流域。
- Tattooing is limited to women, in the Drung River along the upper and middle reaches of the most popular. 文面只限于女性,在独龙江上游地区一带最为流行。
- South America: Upper Amazon River basin. 南美洲:亚马逊河上游河流域。
- The whole river basin is covered with tropical forest. 热带森林覆盖了整个河流流域。
- There is a flood in the river basin in the South this summer. 今年夏天南方江河流域发生了洪水。
- The evening of Sept. 29, "Nu 11, Drung River Drive journey of love," the team's players live in Hong Lu Shuixian Benguela hotel late at night by the local Deputy Secretary for the "interview. 9月29日晚,“十一怒江、独龙江自驾爱心之旅”车队的队员入住泸水县香格拉酒店,深夜被当地局副局长“接见”。
- Integrated water resources management on river basin. 流域水资源集成管理。
- Gongshan Dulong from the Nu River in the northern region of Tibet and Chawa-long area, and its migration routes are basically the same from the above-mentioned areas to the Drung River. 独龙族源于贡山北部的怒江地区和西藏察瓦龙地区,其迁徒路线也大致从上述地区到独龙江。
- Fragility of the Ecological Environment iii Tarim River Basin. 塔里木内陆河流域生态环境脆弱性分析。
- The whole river basin is covered with tropical forest . 热带森林覆盖了整个河流流域。
- In one river basin, I was enchanted by the color of mountain. 一处河湾,我很喜欢远处高山的颜色。
- Gazetteer South America: Amazon River basin, near Manaus, Brazil. 南美洲:亚马逊河流域,在巴西的马瑙斯的附近。