- A buffer in a drum used to temporarily store data. 磁鼓中用来暂时存放数据的一种缓冲区。
- The beats of the drum were steady and slow. 鼓声平稳而缓慢。
- His old woman really beat the drum last night. 他的老婆昨晚着实太吵大嚷了一场。
- I was given gas when they pulled my tooth out. 给我拔牙时用了一氧化二氮。
- A film of mucus and bacteria on a tooth surface. 齿菌斑牙齿表面一层粘液和细菌的膜
- This tooth is sensitive to cold. 这颗牙对冷过敏。
- Mike's wife have a big sweet tooth. 迈克的妻子非常喜欢吃甜食。
- He had a bad tooth pulled out yesterday. 昨天他把蛀牙给拔掉了。
- I was fitted an artificial tooth by the dentist. 牙医给我镶了颗假牙。
- Let's try to drum up some more business. 让我们再努力招徕些生意。
- A steel drum band gingered up the party. 一铁鼓队使晚会生动起来
- The salesman banged a drum to attract a crowd. 推销员击鼓以吸引人群。
- A canine tooth of the upper jaw. 上颚犬齿上颚的一个犬齿
- The drum majorette twirled her baton. 鼓乐队女队长快速地转动她的指挥棒。
- Nothing hurts more than a bad tooth. 疼痛莫胜于坏牙。
- This aching tooth makes me feel wretched. 这一颗牙痛得我难受极了。
- A sensitive nerve in a tooth can cause great pain. 牙神经易受损伤,可产生巨痛。
- A politician who beats the drum for liberalism. 一个竭力鼓吹自由主义的政治家
- I had a bad tooth pulled out yesterday. 我昨天拔了一只蛀牙。
- The doctor has taken my bad tooth out. 医生已拔掉了我的坏牙。