- He regarded work as the normal human fate. 他把工作看做是人人命中注定要做的正常的事情。
- Normal human plasma control sample was added to the upper well and plasma sample treated with photoactivated methylene blue for 10 min was added to the lower well. 上孔加正常人血浆对照样品,下孔加亚甲蓝光敏法处理10 min后血浆样品。
- Can the "flipped" BSE priori induce the normal human prion to flip? 这种“变形的”BSE普里安能诱发正常人普里安发生改变吗?
- Say good-temperedly, complain belong to normal human feelings. 宽容地说,抱怨属人之常情。
- Just imagine, Aidwata lived more than three normal human lifetimes! 想像一下,艾德瓦妲活得比正常人类的三辈子还久!
- Using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrography,the contents of uranium,thoron and cesium in normal human body were detected with inter comparison made with reference materials. 采用电感耦合等离子质谱法,检测了正常成年人体内铀、钍和铯的含量,分析方法用参考物质进行比对。
- They conquered normal human sloth together on a cold winter's morning. 在一个严寒的冬天早晨,他们一道战胜了人类的通病懒惰。
- Conclusion The filtrate of normal human fresh dejecta is effective ... 结论正常人新鲜粪便滤液保留灌肠能迅速有效纠正肠道菌群失调。
- Methods HFSC were detected by K19 immunostaining in normal human skin. 方法 采用免疫荧光染色检测皮肤组织中K19表达;
- Use of Sprayed Dried Plasma Proteins in Young Pig Diets 喷雾干燥血浆蛋白粉在仔猪日粮中的应用
- The lymophocytes separated from the normal human blood are used as a control of the normal diploid. 取正常人全血分离淋巴细胞,作为正常二倍体对照。
- But the real problem Mr. Sloan had to overcome was the normal human resistance to change. 思龙先生所需要面对的实际困难在于人们安于现状的阻力。
- Even sophisticated technical devices rarely surpass the color sensitivity of normal human vision. 普通人类的视觉感受色彩的灵敏程度,甚至连精密的技术装备都很难超越。
- Warning: This program is not conducive to normal human physiological and psychological health, Please do not watch! 警告:本节目含有不利于正常人类身心健康的内容,请勿观看!
- Progress of Study on the Production Process of Spray- Dried Plasma Protein 喷雾干燥血浆蛋白粉生产工艺研究进展
- Behavioral studies in normal human subjects, in patients with brain infarcts, and in non-human primates that examine visual and oculomotor capacities. 在正常人类个体、脑梗塞病人、非人类之灵长类动物的行为科学研究,分析视觉及眼球运动的能力。
- Enter Friday, a genetically engineered woman who can outfight, outrun and outwit any normal human. 1939年,第二次世界大战使美国经济陷入萧条,海因莱因被债务压得抬不起头来。
- Methods Bulbar conjunctiva of normal human and patients with SS were examined using immunoperoxidase staining. 方法采用链菌素-过氧化物酶法检测正常人与SS患者球结膜组织免疫淋巴细胞。
- The sun came out and dried up the streets. 太阳出来把马路晒干了。
- For control purposes, equal numbers of mice were injected with normal human immunoglobin G. 给予对照组中同样数量的小鼠注射来自正常人的免疫球蛋白G。