- Drakensberg Prinian. 德拉山鹪莺
- Bearded vulture, Drakensberg Range, South Africa. 胡兀鹫; 德拉肯斯堡山脉; 南非.
- If adventure sports are your passion, then the Drakensberg is a must for those with adrenalin on their minds. 如果您热衷探险运动,那么德拉肯斯堡不可不去。
- Here, the Sentinel Trail is one of the gentler hiking routes into the Drakensberg plateau. 哨兵路是通往德拉肯斯堡高原的怡人徒步路线之一。
- Did we mention KwaZulu-Natal’s uKhahlamba Drakensberg Park and its imposing mountains . 熟悉南非凌波波省的人一定会告诉您它是非洲的“伊甸园”,因为那儿到处是苍翠的植物;
- The Drakensberg Mountains are southern Africa's Alps, rising more than 11,000 feet into the sky. 南非的德拉肯斯堡山动物保护区成为大羚羊的终极生存地。
- Competing with dragons for food are Drakensberg's main predators, including leopards, black-backed jackals, caracals and servals. 与龙争夺食物的是,德拉肯斯堡的主要掠食者,像猎豹,黑背豺,野猫和山猫。
- Q42. The Sentinel Trail is one of the gentler hiking routes into the Drakensberg Plateau. This trail can be found in which national park? 问题42通向德拉肯斯堡高原的相对缓和一些的徒步路径是哨兵路。这条路属于下列哪个国家公园?
- The rich foliage, roots, and bulbs on the slopes of South Africa's Drakensberg Range attract a wide variety of mammals, including eland, the world's largest antelope species. 南非德拉肯斯堡山脉遍布枝叶,根茎的山坡吸引着包括大羚羊-世界上最大的羚羊种类-这样的哺乳动物。
- The majestic Drakensberg uKhlahlamba Mountain Park covers some 243 000 hectares across three provinces of South Africa, and shares an international border with Lesotho. 宏伟的德拉肯斯堡山夸特兰巴山脉公园横跨南非三省,占地243000公顷,和莱索托共享国界线。
- Also included in the protected area are thousands of rock paintings left behind by the San people, who lived in the Drakensberg area for more than 4,000 years. 还包括保护区内,由居住在德拉肯斯堡区域超过4000年的原住民桑人遗留下来的数以千计的石岩壁画。
- For the ancient San, or Bushmen, rock paintings, like this cave drawing of an eland in South Africa's Drakensberg Mountains, weren't just representations of life;they were also repositories of it. 在南非德拉肯斯堡山脉的山洞里有一幅大羚羊的壁画,对于古时的闪族人或者布须曼人来说,在石壁上绘画不仅是对生命的描绘,同时他们也将其视为自己的珍宝。
- In the hills between the Drakensberg mountains and the Indian Ocean, north of what is now the city of Durban, a leader called Shaka established a powerful Zulu kingdom in the early 19th century. 19世纪初,一位名为沙卡的领袖在今日的德班市以北、德拉肯斯堡山脉与印度洋之间的山区建立了一个强大的祖鲁王国。
- Located within Drakensberg Park is the Giant's Castle Nature Reserve, which gets its name from the silhouette of the peaks and escarpment that resemble the profile of a sleeping giant. 身处于德拉肯斯堡公园,就好像是一个巨人城堡自然保护区,而这个说法得名于德拉肯斯堡公园的山峰和悬崖的轮廓酷似一个熟睡的巨人的侧面。
- Observation on Breeding Behavior of Prinia inornata 纯色鹪莺繁殖行为观察
- Yellow-bellied Prinia( Prinia flaviventris ) 黄腹山鹪莺
- For the ancient San, or Bushmen, rock paintings, like this cave drawing of an eland in South Africa's Drakensberg Mountains, weren't just representations of life; 对于古老的先人,或布希曼人,岩石绘画作品,这样的洞穴图画的大羚羊在南非的德拉肯斯堡山脉,不仅是陈述的生活;
- Prinia gracilisn. 优雅鹪莺(莺科)
- Rufous-fronted Longtail Prinian. 棕额鹪莺
- Rufous-eared Prinian. 棕耳鹪莺