- Draba hirtan. 硬毛葶苈
- Results:Glucosinolate content was 0.95% in Draba nemorosa var.leiocarpa. 结果:光果葶苈全草中硫代葡萄糖苷总含量为0.;95%25。
- Draba:You don't want to know my name. I don't want to know your name. 德拉巴:你不想知道我的名字。我不想知道你的名字。
- Dr Coulson and colleagues did this by examining a population of Soay sheep on the island of Hirta in the Outer Hebrides. 库尔森博士与同僚,藉由观察外赫布里底群岛的希拉岛上的索艾羊,得出这个成果。
- Conclusion: These characteristic can provide the scientific basis for identification of Memorialis hirta(BL) Wedd. 结论:这些特征可作为糯米芽生药鉴定的依据。
- Conclusion:There are more glucosinolates in Draba nemorosa var.leiocarpa,which has greater value. 结论:光果葶苈全草中硫代葡萄糖苷含量高,有较大的开发价值。
- Objective: To provide the scientific basis for identification and utilization of Memorialis hirta(BL) Wedd. 目的:为糯米芽的生药鉴定和开发利用提供科学依据。
- Draba:Gladiators don't make friends. If we're ever matched in the arena together, I have to kill you. 德拉巴:角斗士不交朋友。如果我们一起出现在一个竞技场,我必须杀死你。
- The main plant distribute on moving dune are Aneurolepidium chinense, Cleistogenes chinensis, Arundinella hirta, Ulmus macrocarpa, Rhamnus davuricum. 固定沙丘分布的主要植物为羊草、中华隐子草、野古草,大果榆、鼠李等。
- Objective:To determine glucosinolates in Draba nemorosa var.leiocarpa and provide the basic and science data for further development. 目的:测定光果葶苈全草中硫代葡萄糖苷的总含量,为进一步研究开发提供基础科学资料。
- On the remote Scottish island of Hirta, sheep have been getting smaller, shrinking an average of 5% over the last 24 years. 在苏格兰偏远的希尔塔岛上,绵羊的体型变得越来越小,在过去的24年中平均缩小了5%25。
- This articale reports the morphological characters,histologicai stractures,chemicai and Physical identification of pharmacognosy on Cardaria draba(L.)Desv. 本文对群心菜的药材性状、组织结构和理化鉴别进行了生药学研究。
- Euphorbia hirta L. 飞扬草
- Memorialis hirta Wedd. 糯米团
- Draba L. [医] 葶苈属
- Memorialis hirta(Blume) Wedd. 糯米团
- Rudbeckia hirta L. 金光菊
- Fictts hirta Vahl. 五指毛桃
- Ficus hirta Vahl. 五指毛桃
- The influence of greenhouse environment on the growth of in Rudbeckia hirta, a biennial herbaceous flower was studied through comparative experiments conducted in a greenhouse and in the open air. 以二年生草本花卉黑心菊为材料;通过温室栽培和露天栽培之间的比较实验;研究了温室环境对其生长的影响.