- Dow Jones news retrieval 美国道琼斯新闻检索系统 & CAT[N] M_SEM[C] S_SEM[R] PROPER[1] %24
- According to industry sources in turnover, Dow Jones News, financial information Web site ” and “ market advertising sales department will mobilise staff to maintain the status quo. 据业内人士透露,在此次人员调整中,道琼斯新闻专线、财经资讯网站“市场观察”以及广告业务部人员将保持现状。
- Dow Jones agrees to be bought by News Corporation. 道琼斯统一被新闻集团收购。
- Dow Jones agreed to be bought by News Corporation. 道琼斯同意被新闻集团收购。
- The Dow Jones index fell 15 points this morning. 道琼斯指数今天上午下跌了15点。
- What does the value of the Dow Jones represent? 数字揭密:道琼斯指数代表什么?
- The Dow Jones index rose by 86 points on the day. 道琼斯指数当天增长了86点。
- The Dow Jones industrials plunged 205.99 points. 其中道琼斯工业指数突然跳水,下跌205.;99点。
- GE would then have combined Dow Jones with its NBC Universal unit, in part to stave off competition from News Corp. 若通用电气得手,就可以将道琼斯与旗下的NBC全球部门合并,以对抗来自新闻集团的竞争。
- My Space. Shareholders in News Corporation and Dow Jones are expected to vote on the deal later this year. 新闻集团和道琼斯的股东预计今年迟些将投票决定此项交易。
- The Dow Jones industrials, ahead10 points early in tandem with further improvement in bond prices, ended off13.59 at1,944.63. 道·琼斯工业股早先随着公债价格提升而上涨10点,最后以1944。63收盘,下降13。59。
- He has paid top dollar for the Journal's parent company, Dow Jones. 他为并购该报的东家道琼斯公司而支付了高价。
- Anticipation of an economic turnaround lifted the Dow Jones higher. 预期经济好转促使道琼指数翻升。
- Lushington (Les Hinton), Dow Jones Company's Chief Executive Officer, he definitely oppose news free of charge. 欣顿(LesHinton),道琼斯公司的首席执行官,他旗帜鲜明地反对新闻免费。
- The Dow Jones industrial average soared to 9850 points. 道琼斯工业平均指数飙升至9850点
- The Dow Jones industrial average fell 171.32 to 9,919.58 Thursday. 星期四道琼斯工业指数跌到了9919.;58点,下跌171
- The Dow Jones industrials dropped more than 100 points. 道琼斯指数下跌超过100点.
- Dow Jones Industrials, 1888-1990: An Ideal Data Set. 道琼斯指数,1888-1990:一个理想的数据集。
- Rupert Murdoch's offer to buy Dow Jones became public in May. 收购道琼斯的价格于五月公开。
- The Dow Jones Industrials finished down more than 300 points today. 道琼斯工业指数今天以下跌超过300点收盘。