- Dorsal surface of great toe 大趾背面
- Lateral surface of great toe 大趾外侧面
- Medial surface of great toe 大趾内侧面
- dorsal lateras nerve of great toe 拇背外侧神经
- Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) demonstrated a heterogeneous mass arising from dorsal surface of pontomedullary junction. 磁共振造影发现一不均匀肿瘤长于延脑桥脑交界背面。
- dorsal lateral nerve of great toe 拇背外侧神经
- Result: The characters including stomata covered by many glandular hairs in dorsal surface of leaf of Argyreia acuta were obivous. 结果:发现一匹绸的叶中有大量的非腺毛遮住下表面的气孔等明显的鉴别特征。
- Usually the posterior or dorsal surface of the hand is called dorsum.The term dorsum is also used to describe the anterosuperior surface of the foot. 通常将手的背面称为手背,背侧这一术语亦用于描述足的前上面。
- Repair the skin defects of ring finger and palmar and dorsal surface of ulnar part with another“凸”shaped flap.Results:All the transplanted tissue in 6 cases have survived. 结果:临床治疗6例,取得了移植组织全部成活,手部恢复拿捏及对掌功能。
- Method An iliac bone peg wrapped with semilunar skin flap taken from the fibular side of great toe is applied to breach the defcet. 方法采用吻合血管的??趾腓侧半月形皮瓣及髂骨移植完成桥接再植。
- Visible-near infrared multispectral reflectance image sets were acquired from the dorsal surface of rats both before and after elevation of reversed McFarlane skin flaps. 老鼠背部皮片举起前和举起后的可见光至近红外线下的多光谱反射率影像被取得。
- In humans, melatonin is produced by the pineal gland, a gland about the size of a pea, that is located in the center of the brain, on the dorsal surface of diencephalon. 美拉脱宁在人类是由松果体(是一个像碗豆大小的腺体,位于脑的中央部)所分泌。
- Results:The short abductor muscle of great toe was the first layer of sole muscle.Its blood supply comes from the medial plantar artery.Its innervated nerve runed in company with the blood vessels. 结果:?展肌位置表浅,位于足底肌的第一层,其血供和神经支配分别来自足底内侧动脉和神经,两者伴行,走行恒定。
- A man of great ability like him will eventually reach the top. 像他这样才能出众的人终究会升到最上层的。
- Posterior (Dorsal, Behind) Nearer to the back of the body is posterior.Dorsal is interchangeable with posterior.Usually the posterior or dorsal surface of the hand is called dorsum. 后(背侧,后面)医.;学教
- The short abductor muscle of great toe was the first layer of sole muscle. Its blood supply comes from the medial plantar artery. Its innervated nerve runed in company with the blood vessels. ?展肌位置表浅,位于足底肌的第一层,其血供和神经支配分别来自足底内侧动脉和神经,两者伴行,走行恒定。
- The gas bubbled to the surface of the water. 气体变成气泡升上水面。
- It was a time of great tribulation. 那是一段充满苦难的时期。
- The surface of the liquid gradually crusted over. 液体表面渐渐地结了一层皮。
- A breeze ruffled the surface of the lake. 一阵微风吹皱了湖面。