- Do not trifle with your health . 不要糟蹋你的身体。
- You should not trifle with your health. 你不要疏忽你的健康。
- Dont trifle with your health 不要糟蹋你的身体。
- Do not trifle with your health. 不要糟蹋你的身体。
- Don't trifle with your health. 不要糟蹋你的身体。
- Don't trifle with your food; either eat it or leave it. 别把你的食物弄着玩,要么吃掉,要么放着。
- Don't trifle with your food;either eat it or leave it. 别把你的食物弄着玩,要么中吃掉,要么放着。
- Your parents are concerned with your health. 你父母总是很关心你的健康。
- You are gambling with your health by continuing to smoke. 你继续抽烟是把自己的健康当赌注。
- Not only is smoking bad for your health ,it also runs away with your money . 吸烟不仅于你的身体有害,而且浪费你的钱。
- If you're worried about your health, share your anxieties with your doctor. 你要是担心自己的健康,就把你的忧虑告诉医生吧。
- Not only is smoking bad for your health;it also runs away with your money. 吸烟不仅损害健康,而且耗费钱财。
- Heavy smoking runs away with your money, as well as being bad for your health. 抽烟抽得多,即浪费钱,又对健康不利。
- Not only is smoking bad for your health , it also runs away with your money . 吸烟不仅于你的身体有害,而且浪费你的钱。
- If you're worried about your health,share your anxieties with your doctor. 你要是担心自己的健康;就把你的忧虑告诉医生吧.
- Beware how you trifle with your marvelous inheritance, this great land of ordered liberty, for if we stumble and fall freedom and civilization everywhere will go down in ruin. 我们这块自由而俨然有序的伟大土地是我们宝贵的遗产,不可随意摆弄。 要是我们栽了跟头,世界各地的自由和文明也就都跟着土崩瓦解了。
- Work closely with your health care team, and if they have a Certified Diabetes Educator (CDE), sign up for classes. 靠近你的健康照料队工作,如果他们有鉴定的糖尿病教育家(CDE),那么签约授课。
- It is wise to work out with your health worker and doctor on the best multivitamin that could help minimize stress. 和你保健员和医生一起找到一种最好的多种维他命是非常明智的。
- He is not a person to trifle with. 他不是好惹的人;他不是可以轻慢的人。
- Don't trifle with serious matter. 对大事不可儿戏。