- Dongxiang nationatity 东乡族
- Most Dongxiang minority people live in Gansu Province. 东乡族主要居住在我国的甘肃省。
- They are all Han nationatity, including 80 cases airplane and 27 cases raveled by car. 结果本组乘飞机到高原80例,乘车27例,提示迅速进入高原与逐步登上高原后发生的肺水肿速度上有明显差异。
- The natural conditions of Dongxiang Autonomous County of Gansu Province are abominable,famous for "being arduous". 甘肃省东乡族自治县自然条件恶劣,以“苦瘠甲天下”著称。
- The analysis of SOD-1 activity in red blood cells about Familial amyotrophic lateral sclerosis of the Han and Zhuang nationatity in China. 中国壮、汉族家族性肌萎缩侧索硬化症之红细胞内SOD-1活性分析。
- Dongxiang language is one of the Mongolian languages of Altai language family,while Linxia dialect is one of the Chinese Northwest dialects. 东乡语是阿尔泰语系蒙古语族语言的一支,临夏话是汉语西北方言的一支。
- The actuality of cultural participation of women in the Dongxiang nationality should be paid attention. 东乡妇女文化参与程度低、参与面狭窄、参与积极性不高的现状尚需引起关注。
- XU DONGXIANG, a Zhejiang Province native, rowed to gold in the lightweight single sculls. 浙江人徐东香赢得赛艇女子轻量级单人比赛金牌。
- Winter): I am DongXiang, although young waiting for the light of Spring. What do you think? 唐)姐姐是冬香,真是个美娇娘,只可惜吐花蜂舞点点溅衣裳。
- Dongxiang mother Mase Feiye is grateful for every drop of water that Water Cellar for Mothers has brought her. 东乡族母亲马色飞叶感激“母亲水窖”给她带来的每一滴水。
- Title: A Preliminary Study on the Genetic Diversity of Allozymic Loci of Dongxiang Wild Rice (Oryza rufipogon Griff. 关键词:东乡;普通野生稻;等位酶;遗传多样性
- Presumably you have the impulse to Chang Yichang! Saer Ta nation (Dongxiang) welcomes you! 想必各位已经有去尝一尝的冲动了!撒尔塔民族(东乡族)欢迎您光临!
- The Dongxiang copper deposit is a rare deposit combined with copper,pyrite and tungsten. 东乡铜矿是我国罕见的铜、硫铁、鸽综合型矿床。
- Dongxiang is an old authentic halal restaurants, interior decoration simple generosity, gives the feeling of pleasure. 老东乡是一家地道的清真餐馆,室内装修简单大方,给人赏心悦目的感觉。
- In brief, the positive effect of the floating population of Dongxiang Nationality is the principal aspect. 总之,东乡族人口流动的正面效应是主要方面,我们要对他们持积极肯定的态度;
- Dongxiang briefing, organized urban green spaces in urban ecosystems is the lifeline breathing. 董翔介绍,有组织的城市绿地生态系统是城市呼吸的命脉。
- Minority nationalities such as the Hui,Uygur,Kazak,Tatar,Tajik,Uzbek,Kirgiz,Dongxiang,Salar and Bonan believe in Islam,a total of 17 million people. 回、维吾尔、哈萨克、塔塔尔、塔吉克、乌孜别克、柯尔克孜、东乡、撒位、保安等少数民族信奉伊斯兰教,总人口达1700多万人。
- In this miraculous area live over 10 nationalities such as the Han, Hui, Tibetan, Dongxiang, Tu , Salar , Yugu, Boan, Mongolian and Kazak etc. 在这块神气的土地上,生活着汉、回、藏、东乡、土、撒拉、裕固、保安、蒙古、哈萨克等10多个民族。
- In 1993, the color gradually into the remote Dongxiang Peng, Shu-Ming Cheng's wife wanted to buy a color TV, but he did not agree. 1993年,彩电渐渐进入偏僻的蓬东乡,郑书明的妻子想买个彩电,但他不同意。