- Each line, each symbol, and each drawing has a special meaning.Now it is "the only living pictographic characters in the world"."The Dongba Scripture" is a scripture written in the Dongba characters. 东巴文中的每一线条,符号,图形都是有约定俗成的固定含义,被称为“世界上唯一活着的象形文字”。
- What's more interesting is that the Dongba scriptures have preserved dance steps with the ancient hieroglyph Dongba characters. 更为难能可贵的是,遗存的东巴经中还有一种有用古代形象文字(东巴文)记录的舞谱。
- He reads the Holy Scripture everyday. 他每天都读《圣经》。
- Dongba scripture 东巴经
- The scripture says, "In the olden days, on the fertile and vast land where mankind grew, 360 Dongba had not learned to dance. 经文上说:"很古的时候,在人类生长的丰饶辽阔的大地上,三百六十个东巴还不会跳舞。
- A reading from Scripture that forms a part of a church service. 圣句朗读《圣经》, 是教堂礼拜的组成部分
- Yes, this theory is found in a recorded scripture. 不错;这是理论发现;在记录的经典之作.
- So I guess it's a Dongba pictograph. 所以我估计这肯定是东巴文。
- There are many categories in the Dongba dance. 东巴舞蹈品种繁多
- Naxi Dongba culture is the culture. 纳西族文化也就是东巴文化。
- Dongba is an ancient hieroglyphic language. 东巴文是一种古老的象形文字。
- You've read about them in scripture. 你曾经在经文中读到关于他们的事。
- Interpret Scripture literally and grammatically. [1] 按字意和文法解释《圣经》。
- In scripture, every little daisy is a meadow. 在圣经中,每一朵小雏菊都是大片青草地。
- Scripture is the library of the Holy Ghost. 圣经是圣灵的图书馆。
- Nothing is known about her outside of Scripture. 无人知晓手稿之外的她。
- I. Paul confirmed Luke's testimony as Scripture. 保罗被证实的卢克的证词作为圣经。
- But what does the Scripture say? 然而经上是怎么说的呢?
- Irony The devil can cite Scripture for his purpose. 魔鬼也会引证圣经来为自己辩护。
- The devil can cite Scripture for his purpose. 魔鬼也能引用圣经为自己的目的服务。