- Chelsea's sleek new look was first displayed this week at the exhibition of Donatella Versace's sexy new clothing line at Paris Fashion Week. 昨日,她在华盛顿一语双关地说:“在我们这个家庭里,头发总是会引起争议。”
- This season in Milan, it took Donatella Versace to get hold of drapey, flowy, goddessy dressing and make it look hot, easy, and believable. 这一季,多娜泰拉运用了有褶皱的、飘逸的、女神般的衣裙,然后把它做得性感、随意而正常。
- Donatella Versace said:“Jennifer really knows how to choose clothes that suit her. Sleek, simple, romantic. She follows her own instincts!” 唐娜泰拉.;范思哲:“珍妮弗真正知道选择什么样的衣服最适合自己。柔滑,简单,浪漫。她总是能跟随着自己所拥有的天赋和直觉!”
- Donatella is now the Vice-President of the Versace Group and the Chief Designer. 多纳泰拉现在是范思哲集团的副总和首席设计师。
- A grief-stricken Donatella ushered the Versace family to a secluded resort in the Caribbean so that they could mourn. 极度悲伤的多纳泰拉把范思哲家族的人带到了加勒比一个隐蔽的度假地哀悼。
- The Versace Group has expanded under Donatella's influence to include Palazzo Versace, a line of luxurious hotels with locations in Australia and Dubai. 范思哲集团在她的影响下扩张了范思哲宫殿:在澳大利亚和迪拜的一系列豪华宾馆。
- In October of 2002, Gianni and Donatella's most famously designed Versace clothing were displayed in a special exhibit of the historical Victoria and Albert Museum of London. 2002年10月,詹尼和多纳泰拉设计的大部分著名的范思哲服饰在伦敦的维多利亚阿伯特博物院一个特殊展览中展出。
- The fifths Versace wallet cow skin. 真皮钱包经典。
- Versace is famous for his flamboyant designs. 凡赛斯因为它们艳丽的设计而闻名。
- Versace’s plans have shocked environmentalists. 范思哲的计划震惊环保人士。
- C:Do you have Versace's perfumes for sale ? (你们有卖范思哲的香水吗?)
- Life changed dramatically for Donatella on July 15th, 1997. 1997年7月15日,多纳泰拉的人生发生了戏剧性的变化。
- "Fashion is in my blood and I'm very excited about showing my collection," said the 25-year-old, whose father, Santo, controls the business side of Versace and is the brother of Donatella. “时尚充斥我的血液,我很乐于展示自己的作品。”这个二十五岁的(设计师)说,她的父亲,圣特,多娜泰拉的哥哥,掌握着范思哲集团的商机。
- And this is our favorite teen shop.This is a little Versace outfit. 她也很喜欢逛街,最喜欢逛这家青少年服装店。
- Bruiser,your mother lives at the top secret Versace thinktank! 布鲁斯,你妈妈住在范思哲的最高机密研发总部!
- Marisa Tomei, in Atelier Versace with Van Cleef &Arpels jewels. 很喜欢这个整体,觉得画面修修就可以直接当广告插页了...
- I'd love to dress like a princess, Chanel, Versace, Miu Miu. 因为要休息; 所以很忙.;还是因为太忙;令人更想休息?没关系;这个星期都暂不能更新了;过阵子再分享吧
- Donatella's skill in the arena of public relations went far from unused. 多纳泰拉在公关领域的能力越来越突出。
- No, he's giving a neck massage to a Versace model.Where you going? |他在帮凡赛斯模特儿按摩脖子 你要去哪里?
- Versace is not the only luxury brand banking on China. 范思哲不是唯一一个寄希望于中国的奢侈品品牌。