- Does your water dribble? 您排尿时是不是一滴滴的?
- Does your water burn or sting? 您排尿时疼不疼?
- Tax official: Does your office pay tax in china? 税务局:您所在的办事处交税吗?
- How far does your memory go back? 你能回忆起多久以前的事情?
- Does your computer have a modem? 你的电脑有调制解调器吗?
- Do you have any difficulty in passing your water? 您排尿困难吗?
- Does your car battery charged easily? 你那辆汽车的蓄电池容易充电吗?
- I'm unhappy with the lazy way you do your homework. 我对你做作业的懒惰方式表示不满。
- What does your share of the bonus work out at? 算出你应得的红利是多少?
- How does your news bear on this case? 你的新闻与这一案子有何关系?
- What time does your husband return from work? 你丈夫什么时候下班回家?
- Which direction does your room face? 你的房间面向哪个方向?
- And that's how it is with your water situation. 这也适用你们的饮水问题。
- It's your turn to sing now, so do your stuff. 现在轮到你唱了,露一手吧。
- Which school does your child go to? 你的孩子在哪所学校念书?
- Does your job fulfill your expectations? 你的工作符合你的期望吗?
- Perhaps your water bottle is in the computer room. 也许你的水壶在电脑室里。
- Have you ever had trouble with your water before? 以前您排尿时有过异常吗?
- When does your case come before the court? 你的案子什麽时候开庭审讯?
- Have you noticed any change in your water? 您注意过尿有什么改变吗?