- She was sharp-witted enough to dodge her attacker. 她才思敏捷足以避开别人的攻击。
- Dodge Neon 道奇霓虹;简称霓虹
- He tried to dodge the reporters' queries. 他试图躲闪记者的询问。
- The vice president had to dodge flying tomatoes. 副总统不得不闪躲飞来的番茄。
- Dodge is waiting to have a word with you. 道奇正等着和你说话。
- Helium and neon are inert gases. 氦和氖为惰性气体。
- The said Edmund Dodge was seen breaking into the house. 有人看到这个艾德蒙•道奇闯入那间住宅。
- The dodge was coopered by the police. 诡计被警察粉碎了。
- The neon light has lit up the area. 霓虹灯照亮了那带区域。
- A neon sign must be electrified. 霓虹灯必须通电。
- Dodge tool used to fill each circle. 用减淡工具涂满每一个圆圈。
- Energy saving light bulb Neon light. 高频省电型灯泡(节能灯),霓虹灯.
- He always manages to dodge doing the housework. 他总是千方百计避免做家务.
- A neon sign flashed on and off above the door. 门上方霓虹灯忽明忽暗地闪烁着。
- Dodge is waiting to have a word with you . 道吉等着要和你说一句话。
- The neon lights have lit up the area . 霓虹灯照亮了那带区域。
- He is able to dodge out of the way. 他能够及时逃避。
- The neon lights are incredibly flashy. 霓虹灯非常华丽。
- My eyes were stabbled by the flash of a neon light. 当我的眼睛为刺眼的霓虹灯闪烁所迷时。
- The ISS can dodge the bigger chunks. 对于较大的物体,国际太空站可以直接闪开。