- He does not look fifty by any manner of means. 他看上去一点不像50岁的人。
- At that time I do not look like my parents. 那时我看起来不像我的父母。
- Do not look at the TV screen for a long time. 不要长时间地盯着电视屏幕看。
- Do not look down on the role women can play . 不要小看妇女的作用。
- Valuations do not look so exposed this time. 而这次的估值看起来还是比较含蓄。
- My sister and I do not look alike. 我和我妹妹外貌不相像。
- You do not look like your mother or father. 你的样子既不像你的妈妈,也不像你的爸爸。
- Do not look a gift- horse in the mouth. 勿对礼物吹毛求疵。
- Do not look askance at me from afar. 不要远远地斜视我。
- Thanks to that, they do not look so monochromatic. 得益于此,他们看起来不才不至于那么单调。
- Do not look for trouble. The police are around. 你别寻事,告诉你警察就在附近。
- Do not look like a Vegas gambler here. 在这里你不要看起来像维加斯的赌徒。
- Do not look so awkward, your performance is wonderful. 不要如此尴尬,你的表演棒极了。
- We do not look like a frog in a blender when dancing. 在人群中跳舞的时候,不会看起来像只青蛙。
- I watch the stars and they do not look kindly down on you. 我看过星星,他们似乎对你很不友善。
- This is a result I did not look for. 这并不是我所希望的结果。
- Mr. Morgon did not look up from his maps, but he muttered a greeting. 摩根先生看著地图,没有抬起头来,但是他低声招呼了一声。
- The other did not look seventeen. 另一个人呢,望上去却还不到十七岁。
- Diamonds do not look very impressive as they are mined. 钻石刚开采时并不光彩照人。
- We do not look in great cities for our best morality. 最高的道德,我们并不到大城市里去寻找。