- I do not love democracy, but love the Lordship of Almighty GOD. 我不爱民主,只爱神权。不是我选我的主,而是我的主拣选我。
- I love the people. I do not love the people. Never once, is now the wounds. Memories of the past. Is not miss. 中文:我爱的人。却不是爱我的人。曾经的永远,是现在的伤痕。回忆的过去。是不尽的思念。英文:
- If anyone does not love the Lord, he is to be accursed. Maranatha. 林前16:22若有人不爱主、这人可诅可咒。主必要来。
- I do not remember talking to the stranger. 我不记得曾同这位陌生人谈过话。
- If anyone does not love the Lord, let him be accursed! The Lord comes! 22若有人不爱主,他就是可咒可诅的。主来了!
- A curse on anyone who does not love the Lord! Maranatha! Come, Lord! 若有人不爱主,该受诅咒!吾主,来罢!
- I do not love him the less for his fault. 我不爱他,更不爱他的缺点。
- I do not hold with some of the strange idea you believe in. 我不赞同你深信不疑的一些怪念头。
- I did not remember talking to the stranger. 我不记得曾同这位陌生人谈过话。
- Though I love my country,I do not love countrymen. 我虽然爱我的祖国,但我不爱同胞们。
- I do not feel at ease in the strange place. 在这个陌生的地方,我觉得很不自在。
- The reason women do not love one another be-men. 女性们彼此不相爱的理由是--男人。
- If herself she do not love,nothing can make her. 结果她自己她都不去欣赏,哪会有什么打动她。
- I do not love him because he is rich. 我不是因为他有钱才爱他的。
- The thing, which you do not love me any more. 你突然不爱我这件事情。
- I have no heart--I do not love you. 我没有什么真情实意--我并不爱你。
- If herself she do not love, nothing can make her. 结果她自己她都不去欣赏,哪会有什么打动她。
- Though I love my country, I do not love countrymen. 我虽然爱我的祖国,但我不爱同胞们。
- I am scare I do not love you no more. 我也害怕自己会不爱你。
- She likes him but she does not love him . 她喜欢他,但并不爱他。