- Diversify a menu. 菜单上菜的种类很多
- The waitress came over and gave me a menu. 服务员小姐走过来递给我一张菜单。
- Waitress! Um,we'd like a menu,please. 服务员,请给我们一份菜单。
- Well,could we have a menu first,please? 嗯!能不能先来一份菜单。
- Gets the height, in pixels, of one line of a menu. 获取一个菜单行的高度(以像素为单位)。
- Gets the level at which a menu item is displayed. 获取菜单项的显示级别。
- Objects for the parts of a menu band. 包含为菜单条的部件提供。
- How do you open a menu by using keystrokes? 如何使用键击打开菜单?
- Draws a menu glyph on a menu item control. 在菜单项控件上绘制菜单标志符号。
- Adds a menu bar to the command bar. 向命令栏中添加菜单栏。
- Something might sound nice on a menu. 有些东西也许在菜单上看起来很好。
- Click on a menu option starts the game. 点击菜单中第一个选项开始游戏。
- Retrieves the handle to a menu on the command bar. 检索命令栏上的菜单的句柄。
- Called when a menu modal loop has been exited. 当退出一个菜单模式的循环时调用该函数。
- To read a menu in French is easy. 看法国菜的菜单很容易。
- Walter, we'd like a menu, please. 服务员,我们要一份菜单。
- Excuse me. Could I have a menu, please? 对不起。请给我看菜单。
- Well, could we have a menu first, please? 嗯!能不能先来一份菜单。
- Define a menu bar in the main menu. 定义一个菜单项在主菜单中。
- When you hover over a menu item, the color changes. 颜色会根据菜单项目的不同,而发生变化。