- Dissolution test analyzer 溶出度测定仪
- Objective To improve the dissolution test of Nitroglycerin Patches. 目的改进硝酸甘油贴片释放度的检查方法。
- For example, consider the three-stage USP dissolution test. 例如,USP中溶出度的三阶段测定。
- Zoom in is only available in the Load Test Analyzer. 放大功能只在负载测试分析器中可用。
- You can use the load test analyzer to view your load test data. 您可以使用负载测试分析器查看自己的负载测试数据。
- Conclusions This method can be used for dissolution test of bendazol tablets. 结论:本方法适用于地巴唑片的溶出度测定。
- A load test analyzer window opens and the load test results are displayed. 将打开负载测试分析器窗口,并显示负载测试结果。
- The dissolution test for itraconazole hydrochloride capsules by UV spectrometry was presented. 建立了盐酸伊曲康唑胶囊溶出度的紫外分光光度测定法。
- Methods:The oar method for dissolution test in Chinese pharmacopoeia 2000 edition was consulted. 方法:参照中华人民共和国药典2000年版溶出度测定桨法测定其溶出量。
- Objective:Dissolution test was applied to study the dissolution rates of strychnine from the normal and ultramicro powder of semen strychi. 目的:对马钱子超微粉体和常规粉体溶出度进行试验,考察超微粉碎对马钱子碱溶出量和溶出速率的影响。
- In the load test analyzer, click Tables on the toolbar to make sure that the table grid is displayed. 在负载测试分析器中,单击工具栏上的“表”,确保显示表的网格。
- Methods :The delayed -release tablets of salbutamol sulfate were prepared by dry -coated technique and the dissolution test were evaluated in vitro. 方法:精选物料,利用干压包衣技术制备并对其体外释药进行测试。
- You can have multiple load test analyzer windows open at the same time, to compare different load test runs. 可以同时打开多个负载测试分析器窗口,以比较不同的负载测试运行。
- Drug release characteristics of the pillared LDH materials were investigated by a dissolution test in a simulated intestinal fluid (buffer at pH 7.8). 模拟肠液pH=7.;8的体液环境,对该超分子材料的释放性能进行研究。
- You can look at the results of a load test run after the test is complete using the Load Test Analyzer. 完成测试之后,可以使用负载测试分析器查看负载测试运行的结果。
- Objective:To find a ideal and unified mobile phase both of dissolution test and content determination of terfenadine tablets. 目的:对特非那定片标准中溶出度检查与含量测定的流动相进行选择,统一为一个流动相。
- At run time, you use the Load Test Monitor and after a run you use the Load Test Analyzer. 在运行时可使用负载测试监视器进行查看,而在运行后可使用负载测试分析器进行查看。
- This paper tries to make it clear the existing forms of the REE in gold-bearing pyrite in the Jinshan gold deposit by the stepwise dissolution test with ICP-MS analysis. 本文利用分步溶样ICP-MS测试方法对江西金山金矿含金黄铁矿中稀土元素作了详细的研究,试图弄清黄铁矿中稀土元素的赋存状态。
- METHODS Calculating the values of dissolution by self-control method and standard method, respectively, in the dissolution test of the same medi cine with different types. 方法分别采用自身对照法和对照品法两种方法计算同一药物不同剂型的溶出度值。
- Methods The identification and drug sensitive test were carried by MicroScan autoSCAN4 and drug sensitive test analyzer. 方法采用美国德灵公司自动细菌鉴定及药敏分析仪进行鉴定和药敏试验。