- Her disheveled appearance when she arrives is meat for Caroline's gossip,but Mrs. 她到达时的狼狈相,为卡罗琳说长道短提供了话柄。
- Her disheveled appearance when she arrives is meat for Caroline's gossip, but Mrs. 她到达时的狼狈相,为卡罗琳说长道短提供了话柄。
- When Stacey saw Ed's haggard face and disheveled appearance, she knew something must be terribly wrong. (斯塔丝看见埃德面容憔悴,衣裳凌乱,就知道一定发生了可怕的事情。
- Her disheveled appearance when she arrives is meat for Caroline's gossip, but Mrs. Bennet sees the episode as a great opportunity to cement relations between Jane and Bingley. 她到达时的狼狈相,为卡罗琳说长道短提供了话柄。而班纳特太太则将这一插曲看成是巩固洁英同彬格莱之间关系的大好机会。
- Pilling is often the first sign of wear due to abrasion; it causes a cloth to have an unsightly and disheveled appearance. 起球现象是服装穿着磨损的第一个信号,它使织物的外观不雅而且松散杂乱。
- In reality, Gates is a smooth operator who, despite his uncombed hair, baby face and disheveled appearance, knew exactly what he was doing every step of the way. 在现实中,尽管盖茨的头发总是乱糟糟的,又长着张娃娃脸,不修边幅,他可是个老练的生意人,每走一步都成竹在胸。
- She had a distinctive appearance. 她的外貌与众不同。
- She made a guest appearance on his TV show. 她在他的电视节目中出场客串。
- You should take more pride in your appearance. 你应该多注意一点仪表。
- The wind dishevelled her hair and skirt. 风吹乱了她的头发和裙子。
- He did not answer and was to all appearance asleep. 他没有答话,看来是睡着了。
- The wind dishevelled the newspapers on the table. 风吹乱了桌子上的报纸。
- We should not judge a person by his appearance. 我们不应该以貌取人。
- We were amazed at/by the change in his appearance. 他的样子变得使我们大为惊讶。
- The wind dishevelled the papers on the desk. 风把桌上的纸吹乱了。
- Those clothes do nothing to enhance her appearance. 她穿那些衣服也并没显得更漂亮。
- Your appearance is identical to hers. 你的相貌和她的一模一样。
- To all appearance, Mr. Li is going to migrate. 李先生显然是要移民了。
- The building was like a prison in appearance. 这座建筑的外观像监狱。
- Pansy's a little dusty, a little dishevelled. 帕西已有一点粗俗,有一点憔悴了。