- His title is director of communications but he is just a spin doctor. 他的头衔是传媒总监,但他只是一个高级幕僚。
- UEFA's director of communications Mike Lee told a news conference at a Dublin hotel. 欧洲足联的联络部负责人迈克?李在都柏林一家饭店召开的新闻发布会上如是说。
- At Canali, "Lightness is the key word," said Elisabetta Canali, global director of communications and advertising. “颜色的浅淡是关键因素。”其全球信息广告主管。
- UEFA realised their mistakes and the director of communications at the Nyon-based institution has since apologised. 欧足联意识到了自己的错误,这一机构的发言人在尼昂总部公开道歉。
- "The problem is the ownership of the stadiums," said Uefa's director of communications, William Gaillard. “问题是球场的所有权,”欧足联的联络官威廉.;加拉德说。
- EA director of communications Colin Macrae gave out this statement in regards to the rumor. 虽然官方并未证实该系列的开发取消,不过情况看上去不是那么乐观。
- Those talks were described as "extremely positive" by FA director of communications Adrian Bevington. 这些谈话被英足总新闻发言人贝温顿描述为“非常积极”。
- "We got this news for breakfast," said Jose Maria Bello, SOC Director of Communications. 小罗加盟后,萨基曾经说过:这支米兰还缺少一名后卫。
- Director of communications for FEBIAC, Joost Kaesemans, points out the changes in the industry and its efforts to reduce carbon emissions. 比利时汽车工业联合会的传播部主任玖丝克斯曼指出,汽车业的变化和所做的努力,都会减少二氧化碳的排放量。
- I bank with Bank of Communications. 我在交通银行存款。
- Lieutenant Colonel Stewart MacInnis is an associate director of communications and marketing at the Virginia Military Institute. 斯图尔特麦克陆军中校维基尼亚军事学会的交流和市场联合主任(这个翻译肯定有问题了,这什么官衔啊?)
- Obama's new director of communications will be Ellen Moran, who is executive director of the Washington women's political group EMILY's List. 据介绍,这些学生多半是因为''''开学恐惧症''''前来咨询,有意思的是,近一两年家长和教师也成了这种''''病''''的易感人群。
- The director of the film is a Greek. 这部电影的导演是一位希腊人。
- Mr Coulson, who has said that he was unaware of his reporter's activities, is now Mr Cameron's director of communications. 柯尔逊目前是卡梅伦手下的传播总监。
- He had been director of the project since its inception. 这项工作从一开始他就是负责人。
- "People are embarrassed to admit that's why they're giving up their pets," said Betsy McFarland, the Humane Society's director of communications for companion animals. “人们羞于说出他们遗弃宠物的真正原因,”人道协会陪伴动物协调主管伊莉莎白.;麦克法兰说。
- The governing body's director of communications, William Gaillard admitted that the way in which matches in Italy are policed is a general source of concern for Uefa. 欧足联的联络官威廉.;加拉德承认比赛的安保措施将是欧足联调查的重点。
- The factory girl fetched up as director of the factory. 那个女工最后成了工厂的厂长。
- Woolmer died as a result of asphyxiation as a result of being strangled," said Karl Angell, the director of communications for the Jamaican police force. 对58岁的乌尔莫的死因,警方的说法同两份牙买加报纸的报道很相似。
- The director of a firm corresponds to the commander of an army. 公司的经理就等于是军队里的将军。