- Diploneis papulan. 浓泡双壁藻
- Leather damage basically is the papula of millet rice size or grave bleb. 皮损主要为粟米大小的丘疹或丘疱疹。
- Expression of ringworm of the body is erythema papula, blister, show cricoid or coin shape. 体癣表现为红斑丘疹、水疱,呈环状或钱币状。
- The likelihood is, because the skin of everybody is different, drink milk possible papula! 如果喝牛奶期间脸上长了很多的疮!那是不是牛奶敏感呢?
- Have ill initial stage, instep and foot back are scratchy, the symptom such as sole occurrence papula, bleb. 起病初期,脚背和趾背发痒,脚掌出现丘疹、水泡等症状。常误认是脚癣,用癣药治疗,往往越治越重。
- Good sends in spots and so on scalp, glabella, displays for the blood flushes, the scalp off, the papula, but seeps out not obviously. 好发于头皮、眉间等部位,表现为潮红、脱屑、丘疹,但无明显渗出。
- Whole set besides clean colour oil, still include clean papula bubble, but two phase come for facial ministry skin a general cleaning! 全系列除了洁颜油之外,尚包括洁面泡泡,可两阶段为脸部肌肤来个大扫除!
- Today is the third day she used AZT+DDI+EFV, red papula appeared with a little inch from yesterday in her hands and cervix. 患者今日复诊,目前使用AZT+DDI+EFV的第三天,昨天起双手和颈部出现少量红色丘疹,瘙痒不明显。
- The main features of skin lesions included the appearance of light red papulo vesicle, anabrosis papula, necrotic papula, molluscum contagiosum-like papula, skin ulcer and crust. 皮损特征:早期表现为淡红色丘疱疹、糜烂性丘疹,继而为坏死性丘疹、传染性软疣样丘疹、皮肤溃疡及血痂。
- Without rash of apparently augural and abrupt hair, arrive for syringe needle gram size is papula of compressed and contented sex, dark red, amaranthine or ecru. 无明显前兆而突然发疹,为针头到绿豆大小扁平充实性丘疹、暗红、紫红或淡褐色。
- Rash from the beginning, the face diffuses in trunk, arms and legs is bare, for damask spot papula, rash drop back has shallow weak pigment ad cool-headed. 疹从头、面扩散在躯干,四肢极少,为淡红色斑丘疹,疹退后有浅淡色素沉着。
- Sow medicinal powder model case disease is urgent, extensive sends the whole body, for the papula of size of grain of rice, those who accompany loom is annular damage. 播散型起病急,泛发全身,为米粒大小的丘疹,伴隐约可见的环形损害。
- Diploneis crabro var.n. 黄蜂双壁藻奥氏变种
- The volatile oil density is very high or the excessive use can cause the skin surface to be unable metabolism, forms burns, causes the skin to become dark, even possibly causes the skin long papula. 精油浓度很高或过量使用会导致皮肤表面无法新陈代谢,形成灼伤,使皮肤发黑,甚至可能导致皮肤长丘疹。
- Diploneis smithii var. constrictan. 史氏双壁藻缢缩变种
- Diploneis interrupta var. caffran. 断纹双壁藻卡弗变种
- Diploneis elliptica var. ladogensisn. 椭圆双壁藻叠生变种
- Diploneis elliptica var. ostracodarumn. 椭圆双壁藻硬壳变种
- Diploneis gemmata var. pristophoran. 芽形双壁藻锯形变种
- Diploneis bombus var. bombiformisn. 蜂腰双壁藻蜂腰形变种