- Effect of Different Sowing Time on Sorghum Yield 不同播种期对高粱产量影响的研究
- Effects of Different Sowing Time on Rice Quality 不同播种期对稻米品质的影响
- Abstract: The test selects barley Kenpimai 2 to inquiry into the effects of different sowing timings over growth period, yield and quality. 文章摘要: 本试验所用品种为垦啤麦2号,通过不同播种时期对其生育期、产量、品质等的影响进行研究。
- There are great or remarkable differences in the number of trace pollen among sterile lines,different sowing times and different florenscences. 微粉数量在不同不育系之间、不同播期之间、不同开花时期之间存在显著或极显著差异。
- Effects of Different Sowing Time on Fresh Grass Yield of Green Manure 绿肥不同播种期对鲜草产量的影响
- Study on the Occurrence of Wheat Sharp Eyespot in the Fields with Different Sowing Time 小麦不同播期纹枯病发生规律的研究
- Analyzing the Influence of Different Sowing Time of Rice on Incidence of damping-off 浅析不同播期对水稻立枯病发病率影响
- Observation And Stndy on the Growth Regularities of the Parents of Hybrid Rice Xian You63 in the Different Sowing Time 杂交稻“汕优63”父、母本不同播期生育规律的观察研究
- Effects of Different Sowing Time on Heading Stage in Raising Rice Seedlings by Dry Cultivation Way for Transplanting Seedlings by a Machine 水稻旱育机插秧不同播期对安全齐穗的影响
- Different sowing time 不同播期
- Preliminary report on the resistances of broccoli to black rot in different sowing times 绿菜花不同播种期抗黑腐病试验初报
- The seed quality of different maternal tree,sowing time and sowing method of Liquidambar formosana were investigated in randomized blocks design. 采用随机区组设计了枫香不同年龄母树种子品质、不同播种时间(春播、冬播)和不同播种方式(条播、撒播)试验,进行枫香不同育苗方式对比研究。
- The seed quality of different maternal tree, sowing time and sowing method of Liquidambar formosana were investigated in randomized blocks design. 摘要采用随机区组设计了枫香不同年龄母树种子品质、不同播种时间(春播、冬播)和不同播种方式(条播、撤播)试验,进行枫香不同育苗方式对比研究。
- The time and the accumulation temperature of main stalk blade extension period and dew point of different varieties winter wheat and sowing time were studied. 摘要研究了冬小麦不同品种,在不同播期条件下,主茎叶片伸展期、主茎叶片露尖所需要的时间和积温。
- Study on effects of sowing time of oily-sunflower interplanted with Capsicum frutescens var. 朝天椒套种油葵播期效应研究。
- Sowing time is a significant cultural factor that affects the micron-aire; The density is a significant cultural factors that affects elongation rate. 其中施氮量是影响纤维长度、比强度、黄度最显著的栽培因子,播期是影响麦克隆值最显著的栽培因子,密度是影响伸长率最显著的栽培因子。
- The Effects of Seedling Quality of Mechanical Transplanting Rice Under Different Sowing Quantities and Seedling Raising Materials. 研究了水稻机插秧不同播量及基质配比对秧苗素质的影响。
- The effect of sowing time and density to wheat banded sclerotial blight morbidity degree was studied. 摘要研究了播期、密度对小麦纹枯病发病程度的影响。
- The different sowing date, planting density, vine training, and fruit setting node under greenhouse and plastic house were investigated. 为此,笔者在日光温室和塑料大棚中进行了不同播种期、不同栽植密度、不同整枝方式和不同留果节位的对比试验。
- Experiments on different sowing dates,planting density and fertilizer proportion of wheat were done in the South and North part of Huaihe River in Jiangsu Province. 在江苏省淮南、淮北地区设置小麦不同播种期、密度及肥料比例试验,研究小麦高产群体叶面积的质量特征。