- The children on the study tour have to keep a diary of the place they visit. 参加修学旅游的孩子们必须将所到之处写入日记。
- Here ends the diary of Dr. Watson. 华生医生的日记写到这里就结束了。
- Her favorite book is the Diary of Anne Frank. 她最喜欢的书是《安妮·弗兰克的日记》。
- Diary Of Madman 杀人狂日记
- Bob Doughty reads from the diary of Daniel Bursch. 以下由鲍勃?道蒂朗读丹尼尔?伯切的日记。
- I keep a diary of my daily activities. 我每天的活动都做有记录。
- A diary of the idea came, and opened an exquisite notebook. 写日记的念头来了,翻开一本精致的笔记本。
- Christopher Columbus wrote in his diary of this sea. 克里斯多佛哥伦布在他的航海日记中写道。
- It is very rewarding to keep a diary of daily happenings. 把每天发生的事情记一下日记非常有益。
- He begins to keep a daily diary of his activities and reflections. 他开始每天写日记,将自己的活动及思想记录下来。
- This dreadful murder is surely the act of a madman. 这种令人惊骇的谋杀纯粹是疯子的行为。
- Reporter Silverman kept this diary of the days leading up to lift-off. 记者西尔弗曼还记下了直到发射前的那些日子的日记。
- Accordingly, introduce this kind of madman to seek advice to outpatient service of psychology of omnibus hospital medicine, be impropriety apparently. 因此,介绍这类精神病患者到综合性医院医学心理门诊来咨询,显然是不适当的。
- The children on the study tour have to keep a diary of the places they visite. 参加修学旅游的孩子们必须将所到之处写入日记。
- His diary of the summer records a growing interest in public affairs. 从他这个夏天所记的日记可以看到,他对于公共事物的兴趣更加浓厚了。
- Shang shi and the Diary of Madam Shafei was produced in the may 4 ebb tide. 《伤逝》与《莎菲女士的日记》是产生在五四落潮之后的两个经典文本。
- Another classic date in the diary of the English Summer Season is Wimbledon. 另一个英格兰夏日的经典活动是温布尔登网球公开赛。
- The preface of this diary recounted her life. 这本日记的前言叙述了她的生活。
- His diary recorded the tyrannies of the invaders. 他的日记记载下了侵略者的残酷暴行。
- I was beside myself with joy the day when I found my book The Diary of a Woman Soldier published at long last. 那是我最快乐的一天,《从军日记》出版了!