- Fat content of diapause pupae was higher than that of non-diapause pupae, the difference of pre-pupae was significant. 滞育蛹脂肪含量高于非滞育蛹,二者在预蛹期的差异达显著水平。
- Research on Generation and Antimicrobial Activity of Antibacterial Substances of Antheraea Pernyi Diapause Pupae 柞蚕滞育蛹抗菌物质产生及其抑菌活性研究
- Diapause pupae 滞育蛹
- The children tore the cocoon open to see if there was a pupa. 孩子们撕开蚕茧看看里面有没有蛹。
- Enclosed in an oval, horny case. Used of an insect pupa. 壳内的封闭在椭圆形角质壳内的。用于一虫蛹
- A study was conducted on the changes of glycerol,hemolymph proteins,glucogen and fat content of diapause and non-diapause pupae of Helicoverpa assulta. 测定了烟实夜蛾滞育蛹和非滞育蛹甘油、血淋巴蛋白、糖原、脂肪等含量的变化。
- Studies on diapause of Tetranychus urticae Koch. 二斑叶螨滞育特性的初步研究。
- A study was conducted on the changes of glycerol, hemolymph proteins, glucogen and fat content of diapause and non-diapause pupae of Helicoverpa assulta. 摘要测定了烟实夜蛾滞育蛹和非滞育蛹甘油、血淋巴蛋白、糖原、脂肪等含量的变化。
- A. pernyi diapause by pupa stage for hibernation.The pupa is big, easy fix, keep time long, need not the feeding, easy conveyance etc. advantage. 柞蚕以蛹滞育越冬,其蚕蛹个大、容易固定、保存时间长、无须饲养、容易运输等优点。
- Eggs on Apis cerana pupae do not hatch. 在蜜蜂Apis cerana蛹上虽可产卵但卵不孵化。
- The larva or pupa of a mosquito. 孑孓蚊子的幼虫或蛹
- A man one day pick up a butterfly pupa. 有一个人无意中找到一个蝴蝶蛹。
- The fourth time they molt, they change into pupae. 换第四次皮时,它们蜕变成蛹。
- Diapause hormone (DH), which is secreted by the suboesophageal ganglion of the silkworm in pupae period, plays a key role in the process of the embryo diapause. 在蛹期由咽下神经节合成和分泌的滞育激素,在其滞育过程中起到了决定性作用。
- The butterfly emerged from the pupa. 蝴蝶由蛹孵化而出。
- In their pupa stage, they resemble broken twigs. 在蛹的阶段,它们象断开的小枝条。
- Characteristics of diapause induction of cotton bollworm. 棉铃虫的滞育诱导特性。
- The insect stows tomorrow in the egg and pupa. 昆虫把明天蕴藏在卵蛹之中。
- Unlike torpor, diapause is a long-term state of suspension. 滞育和冬眠不一样,是一种长期的休眠状态。
- Tussah pupa oil was extracted from tussah pupa. 以柞蚕蛹为原料进行柞蚕蛹油提取的研究。