- On the Value of the Culture Ruin of the Diao Long Stone Tablet 论雕龙碑文化遗址的价值
- Diao Long stone tablet 雕龙碑
- I had planned to bring you to this stone tablet. 我本来就是要带你来看这块石碑的。
- This stone tablet must be priceless. 这块石碑一定价值连城。
- The quay looked like a long stone road going into the sea. 这个码头看起来像一条通入海里的长长的石头路。
- But there is a Nanzhao Dehua Stone Tablet. 不过倒有一块南诏德化碑,
- The stone tablet erected for Duke Yang still stands. 羊公碑尚在
- It strongly proves that Wen Xin Diao Long can be comparable to any outstanding literature criticism in history. 它有力地证明:《文心雕龙》完全可以和世界历史上任何一部杰出的文论名著媲美。
- Historical records cite the contents of the stone tablet. 好在有历史资料记载了石碑上的内容。
- On the stone tablet are inscribed words in Sanskrit. 这块碑石上刻的是梵文。
- Their viewpoints are not accord wi th LIU Xie's formulation in On poetry of Wen Xin Diao Long. 刘勰在此处惟言“发乎情”,并没有纪昀等人所解释的“止乎礼义”之意。
- Information control is an essential concept presented all through Liu Xie's critique "Wen Xin Diao Long". 信息控制是贯穿《文心雕龙》的实质性观念。
- Their commingled footfalls resounded solemnly down the long stone hallway. 两个人打破寂静的脚步声,回响在这长长的石廊上。
- Modem studies tend to focus on the relation between the two theories on Wen and Bi, one from Wen Xin Diao Long, the other from the Six Dynasties. 故近现代以来不少专家学者对此重要问题撰文予以探讨,其中又较为集中在《文心雕龙》的“文笔”论及其与六朝时期“文笔”论之关系的研究上。
- Mr Huang Kan revealed several different implications of "chapters and sentences" in the Reading Notes of WEN XIN DIAO LONG. 摘要黄侃先生《文心雕龙札记》揭示了“章句”的几个不同涵义。
- Liu Xie spent four or five years writing Wen Xin Diao Long,checking Wen Xuan against Wen Xin Diao Long it was likely that Zhao Ming Crown prince compiled Wen Xuan all by himself. 刘勰花四、五年的“业余”时间撰成《文心雕龙》,以彼例此,昭明太子完全能够凭一己之力编纂好《文选》。
- The stone tablets inscribed with the Law of Moses. 摩西十诫:刻有摩西律法的石碑。
- Tanan has five stone tablets, the well-preserved. 塔南有石刻碑记五块,保存完好。
- We have three stone tablets here. 这里一共有三块石碑。
- Stone tablet calligraphy was popular in the Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China. 自清代至民国时期,碑派书法较盛,