- Diangou spring of Wudu 武都殿沟泉
- An ill marriage is a spring of ill fortune. 不良的婚姻是恶运的来源。
- Peace was signed in the spring of that year. 和约是在那年春天签订的。
- The main spring of the alarm clock is broken. 闹钟的簧断了。
- The spring of the watch winds down in 24 hours. 这表的发条走24小时就松了。
- He was born in the spring of 1944. 他生于1944年春。
- There is often strong wind in spring of Beijing. 北京的春天常刮风。
- The spring of the plains is not a reluctant virgin. 大草原的春天,并不是象一个处女那么娴静文雅。
- We are in the spring of our lives! 我们正当青春年华。
- When Does the Spring of Chinese Futures Come? 中国期货业的春天何时来临?
- My home town was liberated in the spring of 1949. 我的家乡是一九四九年春解放的。
- He returned to his hometown in the spring of 1969. 他在1969年春天回到了故乡。
- We began organizing as a team in spring of 2006. 我们开始在2006的春天作为一个队组织。
- Love is the spring of the inspiration. 爱是智慧之源泉。
- I have trapped the spring of contract hardly. 我差点中了合同的圈套。
- In the spring of 480 Xerxes set out from Sardis. 在公元前480年春,薜西斯从萨迪斯出发。
- The scope of Wudu Road West in general and the county in this southern counties into the western region. 武都道的范围大致在今西和县南部、成县西部地区。
- Her vanity was the spring of her unhappiness. 她的虚荣心是她不幸的根源。
- In November 1961, the State Council approved the resumption of Wudu area resident was still capital of the Town Wu. 1961年11月,国务院批准恢复武都专区,驻地仍在武都城关镇。
- Soldiers repair a road linking to the town of Wudu in Jiangyou City of quake-hit Sichuan Province, south-west China, June 16, 2008. 6月16日,四川省江油市武都镇发生塌方事故,公路受阻,该镇2个山村1000多名受灾群众的生活物资运不进去。驻滇某炮兵旅官兵迅速赶到塌方现场,经过近3个小时的奋战,终将公路打通。