- You can keep my book as long as you like. 我的书你要借多久都随你的便。
- Ti ming ju Xianggang dian tai wang ye dian shi jie mu jian jie. 题名据香港电台网页电视节目简介.
- Nothing is known of the authorship of the book. 无人知道该书是何人所写。
- About the seat of Ya state local government in the Tang Dynasty, Tong Dian and the other national ancient history books and records record definitely it’s in Shecheng County while Zheng De Qiong Tai Zhi thinks in Yancheng County. 关于唐代崖州治所,《通典》等全国性史志皆明确记载在舍城县,正德《琼台志》等海南旧志则认为在颜城县。
- The child spends hours poring over her books. 那孩子用了几个小时仔细阅读她的那些书。
- The book hit the floor with a thud. 这书砰的一声落在地板上。
- I never lend books; you never get them back. 我的书决不外借,因为总是有去无回。
- He gave away his books to a circulating library. 他把自己的书籍损赠给一家循环图书馆。
- His book was an eye opener to complacent young men. 对自满的年轻人来说,他的这本书有启发作用。
- She has a book full of cuttings about her film. 她有一本书贴满了关于她的一些影片的剪报。
- No delay! We urgently need these books. 决不要拖延!我们急需这些书。
- You must arrange these books in alphabetical order. 你要把这些书按字母顺序排好。
- Here are the books for you to look through. 你要审查的书籍在这儿。
- We put the books in piles on the floor. 我们把书在地板上堆起来。
- He's really wallow in the praise of his new book. 他简直沈醉于别人对他新书的赞美中。
- I spend most of my time scouting around for book. 我把大部分时间都用来找书了。
- As to the author of the book, I will hazard a guess. 关於这本书的作者,我来试猜一下。
- The author dedicated her new book to her supportive family. 这位作家将她的新书献给支持她的家庭。
- The book depicts him as a rather unpleasant character. 这本书把他刻画成一个相当令人讨厌的人物。
- The book is a compendium of their poetry, religion and philosophy. 这本书是他们诗歌、宗教和哲学的概略。