- Diamant fuchsin 品红
- There are so many first products in Diamant Boart. 2005年在的多组绳锯上推出了新的7.;3毫米的金刚石绳锯等等。
- Apply carbol fuchsin and heat for 5 minutes. 调节热板的温度以防止染剂沸腾。
- Les Contes dHoffmann (The Tales of Hoffman): Scintille, diamant! 霍夫曼的故事:闪闪发光的钻石!
- In 1968, the first plating diamond wire for marble came from Diamant Boart. 1955年,泰门宝推出了第一套排锯;
- It is produced by the reduction of fuchsin by sulfurous acid, and is oxidized by aldehydes and ketones, restoring the magenta color of the fuchsin. 配法是用亚硫酸使品红溶液还原,若有醛酮类存在时便使之氧化而重新呈现品红本身的洋红色。
- There's nothing quite like a real...train conductor to add color to a quotidian commute- Anita Diamant. 没有什么能象一位现实中的火车售票员那样为日常的上下班交通线增加些色彩的了-阿尼塔·戴曼。
- Molecular Configuration of Fuchsin Basic Adsorbed on Gallium Phosphide Nanoparticles[J]. 引用该论文 张兆春;张毅超;岳龙义.
- There are so many brands under the Group, and the Diamant Boart brand was purchased by the Group in 2002. 我们集团旗下有许多品牌,泰门宝品牌是2002年的时候被集团收购。
- After centrifugation, broth culture precipitates were smeared and stained with fuchsin to observe the morphology change in thallus under optical microscope. 离心肉汤培养物,取沉淀涂片复红染色,光镜下观察菌体形态变化。
- Diamant(TM) Film has recently received the ECO logo certified by the Environmental Choice(TM) Program. 狄亚曼特(商标)电影,最近收到了生态标志认证,环境选择( TM )计划。
- The Diamant now can produce up to 2,100 books per hour, 16% faster than its predecessor, model 30. 现在的钻石可以产生了到2100年每小时的书籍, 16 %25的速度比它的前任,模型30 。
- Gram negative bacteria (e.g.Cyanobacteria) are decolorized, and may be counterstained with other dyes, such as safranin, carbol fuchsin, neutral red. 革兰氏阴性菌(如蓝细菌)则会褪色,但可以被其他染料复染,如碱性藏红、品红或中性红。
- Husqvarna and Diamant Boart are two of the twelve brands in Husqvarna Group for the construction and stone process. 集团旗下共有12个品牌,其中用于建筑和石材加工品牌有两个----富世华和泰门宝。
- This designation means that Diamant's cling film has been tested and found safe to be utilized in food applications. 这意味着,狄亚曼特指定的保鲜膜进行了测试,发现安全用于食品应用。
- Figure 7.Thrombus in a Vein (Arrows), Identified by the Absence of Elastic Fibers (Resorcin?Fuchsin Elastic Tissue Stain, ?125). 图7.;血管缺乏弹性纤维,证明为静脉,并见静脉血栓(箭头)。
- A-Serie mit Papieren, Weissgold, Perlmutt Ziffernblatt mit Diamant Besatz, Weissgoldschliesse, kompl... 参考 16519;白金;自动发条;含包装盒;含说明书;所在地: 奥地利, Wien;
- For example, the yellow ink is transparent yellow, the order in which the four ink transparency is: igniarius > pteroceltis > black fuchsin >. 例如,所用黄不朱是透明黄,则四栽油不朱透明度顺跋是:黄>品赤>青>暗。
- And also the reason why Diamant Boart product can take a large market share in the world. 可以说创新是我们的生命。
- After nitrate was reduced by copper-coated cadmium granules,the nitrite produced was determined by diazotization of fuchsin acid and coupling to resorcinol. 采用镀有铜的镉还原硝酸盐(NO-3 )为亚硝酸盐(NO-2 )后,于酸性条件下,将品红与NO-2 进行重氮化,再与间苯二酚在弱碱介质中偶合成稳定的橙色染料。