- Keywords Second Tissue Harmonic Imaging Integrated backscatter Diabetic myocardium damage; 二次组织谐波成像;超声背向散射积分;糖尿病心肌病变;
- Diabetic myocardial damage 糖尿病心肌病变
- Myocardial troponin is a biomarker that reflects myocardial damage. 摘要心肌肌钙蛋白是反映心肌损伤的一项生物标志物。
- Objective To study the effects of magnetic field on the activities of SOD in rats with ischemic myocardial damage. 目的:探讨磁场对缺氧性心肌病大鼠血红细胞SOD活性变化的影响。
- Conclusion RFCA may result in minor myocardial damage, which has no affection on heart function. 结论RFCA所造成的心肌损伤为小范围的损伤,不影响心脏的整体功能。
- Objective To summarize the clinical characteristics and nursing of the infectious mononucleosis with myocardial damage. 目的总结传染性单核细胞增多症(简称“传单”)并发心肌损害的临床特点与护理。
- Objective To probe into protective action of taurine against exhaustive,exercise induced myocardial damage in rats. 目的探讨牛磺酸对运动力竭时大鼠心肌损伤的保护作用。
- Conclusion Myocardial damage may be indicated by serum myocardial zymogram in neonates with asphyxia. 结论新生儿窒息可导致心肌酶谱升高,对心肌有损害。
- Objective To compare the value of cTnI and CK-MB in diagnosing minor myocardial damage (MMD) before and after radiofrequency catheter ablation (RFCA). 目的 比较射频消融术 (RFCA)前后血清心肌肌钙蛋白I(cTnI)及肌酸激酶同工酶 (CK MB)含量变化 ,对RFCA后微小心肌损伤 (MMD)的诊断价值。
- Objective: To valuate the clinical significance of serum troponin I (CTnI) in patients with unstable angina pectoris and minor myocardial damage (MMD). 目的:为了评价血清心肌肌钙蛋白CTnI测定对不稳定型心绞痛患者微小心肌损伤的诊断及预后的判断的临床意义。
- Aim To investigate the protective effects of MLT(melatonin) on acute ischemia-reperfusion induced myocardium damage in rats in vivo. 目的 探讨外源性褪黑素(MLT)对在体大鼠心肌急性缺血再灌注损伤的保护作用。
- OBJECTIVE To observe the curative effect of Huangqi injection combined with water-soluble vitamine in treatment of pneumonia with myocardial damage. 目的:观察黄芪注射液合用水溶性维生素注射液治疗婴幼儿肺炎合并心肌损伤疗效。
- This study suggests that the anti-ICAM-1 MAb has significant protective effect against isoproterenol induced myocardial damage. 提示抗ICAM-1单抗对异丙肾引起的心肌损害具有保护作用。
- As regards the pathogenesis, the auther believes that myocardial damage dueto chronic hypoxia should be stressed. Early diagnosis and treatment are important. 因此,慢性缺氧对心肌的损害值得重视,临床早诊断早治疗尤为重要。
- MethodsThe drug was fed to SD rats.The content of MDA and the activity of SOD of myocardial were examined in isoprenaline induced myocardial damage model. 方法取SD大鼠用异丙肾上腺素复制心肌损伤模型,检测心肌组织中硫酸巴比妥酸法(MDA)、黄嘌呤氧化酶法(SOD),观察其抗氧自由基作用。
- Recent studies have demonstrated that EPO has protective effects on myocardial infarction,ischemia-reperfusion and adriamycin-induced myocardial damage. 最近的研究提示,EPO对心肌梗死、缺血再灌注损伤及阿霉素心肌损害等具有保护作用。
- Serial 12-ECF, 24-hour loiter monitoring and serum CK and CK-MB were used to evaluate the incidence of myocardial damage as soon as patient's arrival at emergency room. 从病患到急诊室开始定期以十二导程心电图,二十四小时心电图监测及测血中肌氨酸酵素浓度的方式来研究心脏受损害程度。
- CTnI has highly sensitivity and specificity in diagnosis of myocardial damage dueto the specificity of cTnI's structure and tissue, ctnI's detection outgo myocardial enzymes, cTnI possesses wide application foreground. 由于cTnI的结构和组织特异性,使其在诊断心肌损伤时具有高度敏感性及特异性,并且明显优于心肌酶谱分析,具有广阔的应用前景。
- Abstract: Objective To investigate the effects of escharectomy at different time points on myocardial damages in scalded rats during shock stage. 摘 要: 目的 探讨烧伤后休克期内不同时间切痂对心肌损害的影响。
- Diabetic patients; a diabetic coma. 糖尿病病人; 糖尿病昏迷,