- Dhromium white cast iron 铬系白口铸铁
- Thermal expansion of cementite and thermoelastic stresses in white cast iron . pdf 提供几篇相关资料,不知道有没有人需要。
- Under high stress or low stress abrasion working conditions, high Cr white cast iron can be used just after it having been air quenched. 高应力磨料磨损或低应力磨料磨损工况条件下,高铬白口铸铁空淬后不须回火可直接应用。
- Abstract: The microstructure of forged white cast iron was observed and investigated by means of SEM and TEM. 文摘:借助扫描电镜、透射电镜观察和分析了白口铸铁的微观组织。
- The Influence of Heat Treatment Technology on the Impact Toughness and Hardness of White Cast Iron With Low Cr and Cu. 热处理工艺对低铬铜白口铸铁冲击韧性和硬度的影响
- The medium chromium white cast iron has been pouring by green sand mold, and the effect of Cr? Si? Mn? 应用湿砂铸型浇注中低铬白口铸铁 ,采用正交试验研究Cr、Si、Mn、Cu对铸态中低铬白口铸铁力学性能的影响。
- The microstructure of Cr-Mn-Cu alloy white cast iron changed after different heat treatment. 铬锰铜合金白口铸铁在经过不同的热处理之后,组织发生了变化。
- The resultS show that Niobium canincrease high-temperature hardness of the high chromium white cast iron. 研究结果表明,铌的加入能有效地提高高铬白口铁的高温硬度。
- The effect of RE and heat treatment on eutectic carbide morphology and impact toughness of white cast iron was studied. 研究了稀土变质与热处理对白口铸铁的共晶碳化物形貌及冲击韧度的影响。
- The carbides in low-chromium white cast iron may be spheroidized by asuitable spheroidizing heat treatment. 低铬白口铸铁碳化物的团球化可以通过适当的球化热处理达到。
- Microstructure Characteristic of Hypoeutectic White Cast Iron by Laser Surface Hardening[J]. 引用该论文 姚建华;熊缨;孙东跃;陈智君.
- The re sults obtained can spread the application of the hot-deformed white cast iron. 所得结果对改善白口铁脆性扩大其应用具有重要的指导意义。
- The deformative charateristics of cementite of white cast iron during the rolling process was investigated. 研究了惨碳体在白口铸铁轧制变形过程中的变化特点。
- The austempering in salt bath can increase the impact toughness and wear resistance of the high alloy white cast iron. 盐浴等温淬火可提高高合金白口铸铁的冲击韧性及耐磨损性能。
- After subcritical treating at suitable temperature and time, the high chromium white cast iron can get... 在适当的处理温度和保温时间下,高铬白口铸铁能得到最高的硬度,温度过高或保温时间过长都会导致其硬度下降。
- The corrosion wear resistance of low chromium white cast iron increases when the silicon content increases in it. 而增加含硅量后的低铬白口铸铁的腐蚀磨损耐磨性将比普通白口铸铁的高。
- The abrasiveness of white cast iron with low alloy content was studied through abrasion test. 通过磨损试验研究了变形对低合金耐磨铸铁耐磨性的影响。
- With increasing austempering temperature, the impact toughness and hardness of the high alloy white cast iron decrease. 随着盐浴等温淬火温度的提高,高合金白口铸铁冲击韧性、硬度有所下降。
- Based on the analysis of the effect of excitation force of vibration aging on the fatigue life of white cast iron parts, the selection gist for excitation force was determined. 从理论上分析了振动时效激振力对白口铸铁工件疲劳寿命的影响,确定了白口铸铁疲劳破坏工件振动时效激振力的选择依据。
- Malleable cast iron. White cast iron that has been heat treated to convert the cementite into graphite clusters; a relatively ductile cast iron. 可锻铸铁:把白口铁进行热处理使渗碳体转变为团絮状石墨,成为韧性较好的铸铁。