- Devolve upon to sb. 将(工作)交待给某人,交由某人接替
- Once I was devolved upon to do sth , I will try my best .I have a strong sense of responsibility . 一旦交待我的事情我一定会尽力去办好,责任心强。
- When the President is ill, his duties devolve upon the Vice-President. 总统生病时,其职务交由副总统代理。
- Offer up praise and adoration to sb. 颂扬并崇拜某人。
- When the president is ill,his duties devolve upon the vice - president. 当总统生病时,其职务交由副总统代理。
- Go cap in hand to sb,asking for money. 卑躬屈膝地去找某人要钱。
- Give an example of, set an example to sb. 例子;范例;样本;常见短语有
- When the Ambassador is on leave, his duties devolve upon the First Secretary. 大使休假期间,职务由一等秘书代理。
- To extend one's warmest welcome to sb. 表示诚挚的欢迎。
- When the president is ill,his duties devolve upon the vice-president. 当总统生病时,其职务交由副总统代理。
- Stretch out a friendly hand to sb. 向某人伸出友谊之手。
- When the Ambassador is on leave,his duties devolve upon the First Secretary. 大使休假期间,职务由一等秘书代理。
- The jury was called upon to reconsider its verdict. 召集陪审团重新审议其裁定.
- To have one's hand extended to sb. 向某人伸出手。
- I'm sure he could be prevailed upon to give a talk. 我相信能说服他来做一次报告。
- I would like to extend my warm welcome to sb. 向某人表示热烈的欢迎。
- Emotionally dependent on sb; stay too close to sb. 感情上依靠某人;太接近某人;依恋。
- Who can be depended upon to carry on the work? 可以依靠什么人来进行这个工作。
- Owe sb some money, owe some money to sb. 欠某人钱。
- I was prevailed upon to stay all night. 我被说服留下来过夜。