- Keywords Coal;Desulfuration technology;Combustion; 煤炭;脱硫技术;燃烧;
- The selection of oxidant is a crucial in oxidative desulfurization technology. 在氧化脱硫技术中,氧化剂的选择是其关键。
- Keywords sulfur dioxide;desulfuration technology;pollution; 二氧化硫;脱硫技术;污染;
- NID,developed by ABB,is a semi-dry flue gas desulfurization technology that combines ash removal and desulfurization. NID半干法脱硫技术是ABB公司研制的一种集除尘和脱硫于一体的综合工艺,结构简单,具有较高的脱硫率。
- Flow gas desulfurization technology by magnesium oxide and its present situation of applicat... 介绍了镁法脱硫技术及其应用现状,并对该技术在我国的发展前景进行了阐述。
- The semidry and semiwet flue gas desulfurization is a kind of semidry desulfurization technology. 半干半湿法烟气脱硫是半干法的一种。
- The principle,process,configuration and features of a simplified desulfurization technology with spray and humidification are introduced. 介绍了喷雾增湿简易脱硫技术的机理、工艺流程、设备配置及系统特点。
- This paper reviewed the study of catalyst in oxidative desulfurization technology with H2O2 as Oxidant,and presented development way of catalysts. 就以H2O2氧化剂的氧化脱硫技术中催化剂的研究进展进行了综述,并提出今后催化剂的发展方向。
- With the rapid development of electric power,more than thirty power plants in Bohai Gulf have adopted the seawater desulfurization technology recently. 近几年,随着电力的快速发展,渤海湾出现了三十多座发电厂,竞相采用海水脱硫方案。
- Some kinds of semidry flue gas desulfurization technology are introduced and the characteristics and progress of which is also analyzed. 对国内外常用的半干法烟气脱硫技术进行了介绍,并分析了这些脱硫技术特点及其进展状况;
- This Article introduces the application of the pneumatic desulfurization technology with a porons-plug in nodular cast iron. 介绍了多孔塞气动脱硫工艺的特点,影响因素、参数控制和应用效果。
- The feature of desulfurization technology with dry catalyst is discussed theoretically, and precautions in their application are emphasized. 从理论上论述了各种干法精脱硫技术的特点以及使用中应注意的问题。
- This paper comprehensively introduces present status and development trend of LPG desulfurization technology in refineries. 本文较全面系统地介绍了炼油厂LPG脱硫技术的现状及发展趋势。
- A description is given to the desulfurizer and desulfurization technology used in the purification process of synthesis gas, town gas and CO_2 etc. 介绍了用于合成气、城市煤气及CO_2等净化过程的脱硫剂及脱硫技术。
- Nowdays the widely used desulfurization technology of fuel in refinery industry is the hydrogenation desulfurization (HDS) process. 目前工业上燃油脱硫主要采用传统的催化加氢脱硫(HDS)技术,但现有的加氢催化剂很难将噻吩、苯并噻吩、二苯并噻吩及其烷基衍生物加氢脱除。
- Sulfur compounds in gasoline come mainly from FCC(Fluid Catalytic Cracking),so research and development of FCC gasoline desulfurization technology are very important. 汽油中的硫化合物主要来自FCC(流化催化裂化)汽油,因此FCC汽油脱硫技术的研究与开发具有重要意义。
- Wet limestone flue gas desulfurization technology has been widely applied in coal-fired power plants all over the world due to its high efficiency and reliability. 石灰石湿法烟气脱硫作为一种相对成熟、脱硫效率较高的脱硫技术,在世界范围内得到了厂泛的应用。
- The oxidative desulfurization technology(ODS)is a process of converting organic sulfide into substance with stronger polarity and then removing it by extraction or adsorption. 氧化脱硫技术是一种将有机硫化物转化成极性较强的物质,再通过萃取或吸附等将其分离除去的方法。
- In view of special properties of the hot metal,it is most reasonable and suitable to use jet desulfurization technology with magnesium pellet agent,on accou... 鉴于钒钛铁水的特点,采用镁粒喷吹脱硫工艺,其基建投资少,脱硫工序费用低,因而最为适宜合理。
- Technology is a booming sector of the economy. 技术是一个迅速发展的经济部门。