- The Cache class has been designed for ease of use. 设计Cache类是为了便于使用。
- The fun math games software has been designed for ease of use, fast setup and interactivity. 这款有趣的数学游戏软件被设计为使用简单,安装快速且直观。
- This new songbook was especially designed for ease of use in smallgroup meetings, fellowship and church. 其中含诗歌旋律、吉他和弦及投影片,以圈页装订,首创以专辑、字数、字母、笔划、和弦编排,精致实用,携带搜寻方便。
- Designed for ease of use, speed, flexibility and portability, the system includes a diffractometer, a control cabinet and a personal computer. 出于操作简单、测量速度快、使用灵活性大及轻便的设计目的,该系统包括一台衍射仪、一个控制箱和一台个人电脑。
- The flask comes gift boxed and with a funnel for ease of use. 烧瓶送来时装在礼品盒里,同时还带了个漏斗,方便使用。
- A collection of recorded data or tapes arranged for ease of use. 为了使用方便,排列记录的数据或磁带的收藏,
- Linked resources (the default) are the best choice for ease of use. 就易用性而言,链接的资源(默认值)是最好的选择。
- The broker has changes for ease of use, clarity, and new functionality. 掮客改为更容易使用,清楚以及新的功能。
- Designed for ease of use 简易使用的设计
- For ease of use and maintainability, the names should describe the function that each component performs. 考虑到易用性和可维护性,名称应说明每个组件执行的功能。
- The original text is here for ease of reference. 谨附原文以便查考。
- This computer is popular for its good design and ease of use. 这种计算机因设计巧妙、简单易用而广受欢迎。
- There is little maintenance required on Biozone units, and they are specifically designed for ease of operation and low cost of ownership. 拜奥机种需要的保养极少,其专门的设计拥有容易运作及廉价保养的特点。
- Not only that, but the M-GLIDE is ergonomically designed for ease of motion and joint stress and helps prevent computer related injuries. 不仅如此,在M-GLIDE的人体工程学设计,便于运动和分散压力,有助于防止电脑使用中相关的损害。
- Ease of use for publishing in a journal format. 以易于使用的日志格式发布信息。
- This mechanism, called a cascading menu (see Figure 22-4), presents some serious issues for ease of use. 这种技术称为“级联菜单”(如图22-4所示),它给易用性造成了一些严重的问题。
- For ease of use, text messages are displayed at the bottom of the screen as a guide. 为易于使用,屏幕的底部显示文本消息作为指导。
- For ease of use, this XML Reporting tool provides several report format examples. 为便于使用,此XML报表工具提供了若干报表格式示例。
- For ease of calculation, we must give up accuracy. 为了计算方便,不得不放弃对精确度的要求。
- A set of implicit requirements (e.g., the desire for ease of use and good maintainability) often goes unmentioned. 通常有一组“隐含需求”是不被提及的(如对维护性的需求)。