- It is rich in modern design styles and era sensation. 具有浓郁的现代设计风格及时代感。
- Our design styles are mainly simple, clean and comfy. 我们的设计风格主要是简单、干净和舒适。
- Story board character design style design and so on. 短片故事版,角色设计,风格设计等。
- Their modeling methods derive from traditional Chinese design styles, and display the distinctive spirit of the time. 造手法吸收了传统的装饰风格,形象的刻划体现了鲜明的时代精神。
- Finally, in my view,finnish design style is simple, clear,strong and friendly. 他们和它们的风格特点就是:简单,清晰,强烈,友好
- A couple of years ago, on my honeymoon in Thailand, I was astounded by the myriad of typographic design styles. 两年前,我在泰国度蜜月,我对那些无数设计好的印刷字符感到很吃惊。
- The company"s products rich patterns, all of the use of computer design, regular r e p l a c ement of design styles, and customers can request the production design. 本公司产品样式丰富,全部使用电脑设计,定期更换图样款式,并可按客户要求制作图样。
- In this book, you will find a variety of complementary interior design styles, from classic to contemporary, to suit every home. 在这本书中,你会发现各种不同风格的室内设计,从古典的到现代的,适合每个家庭。
- Design styles are provided with succinct, capable and experienced feeling, without missing their particularly charm and lusciousness. 设计风格具有简洁干练的感觉,又不失女人独有的魅力和甜美。
- The pec uliarity and relation of three design styles are analyzed, and datatransmission between the modules is realized based on engineering data-base. 分析了三种设计方式的特点和相互间的联系,并以工程数据库系统为支撑,实现了各设计模块之间的数据传递。
- Spontaneous architectures by the villagers in Hunagpu village. Discover design styles in village houses and everyday living. 村民自发的建筑行为,在居民的建筑和日常生活中发现属于当地居民的设计风格。
- By analyzing development trends and markel space of modern kitchen furniture, this article refines out new concept and new design styles of modern kitchen furniture in IT time. 通过分析现代厨房家具的发展趋势和市场空间,提炼出信息时代的现代厨房家具设计的新理念和新的设计风格。
- Rarely is one design style able to enjoy crossover appeal to a wide variety of tastes. 一种设计风格能够迎合各种不同品位人的认可时非常罕见的。
- Unique design style, high-class establishment over the world and international group. 富春山居拥有独特的设计风格,提供全球一流的设施及国际团队。
- Accepting attractive wisdom,Fashionable and openhanded design style reflects rdfinde atmosphere of life in which you become ecstatic. 渗透人的智慧;时尚大方的设计风格;体现着生活的精致大气;置身其间;令人心迷神醉.
- What reflect goodwife adequately on design style is decorous and free from vulgarity. 在设计风格上充分体现女主人的高雅脱俗。
- Therefore, in today's interior design styles and intricate, advocating natural, natural garden style interminable become an important trend in interior design. 因而在室内设计流派纷呈的今天,崇尚自然、返璞归真的田园风格历久不衰,成为室内设计的一种重要趋势。
- The design style he used in this space is a mixture of Southeast Asian, Chinese and rustic. 他在这个空间中使用的设计风格是东南亚,中国和乡村的混合。
- The design style of the neoclassicism passes improved classical style namely actually. 新古典主义的设计风格其实就是经过改良的古典主义风格。
- The succinct wall surface and the exquisite sculpture demonstrate a perfect fusion of modern and classical designing styles. 简洁的墙面与精细的雕刻,将现代与经典设计风格完美地融合在一起。