- Vocalnic activity characterizes extru-sive facies - spurt - deposit facies, which constitutes multi-rhythmic volcanic spurting. 火山活动具有由喷发相(喷溢亚相)-喷发-沉积相的特点,构成了具多韵律性的火山喷发特征。
- Sedimentary facies include river bed,alluvial flat,neritic,river mouth and limnetic,littoral,weathered continental drift bed and flood deposit facies. 沉积相主要有河床相、河漫滩相、浅海相、河口湾相、湖沼相、滨海相和陆相坡积洪积风化红土等7种类型,它们的分布与古河谷的形成演化和海平面的变化密切相关。
- Seismic stratigraphy is the study of stratigraphy and depositional facies as interpreted from seismic data. 地震地层学是按照地震资料解释进行地层学和沉积相的研究。
- Seismic stratigraphy-the study of stratigraphy and depositional facies as interpreted from seismic data. 地震地层学--按照地震资料解释进行地层学和沉积相的研究。
- The main factors controlling the reservoir quality are diagenesis and depositional facies. 控制储层发育的主要因素是成岩作用和沉积相、沉积微相。
- Seismic stratigraphy-the study of stratigraphy and depositional facies as interpreted from seismic data . 地震地层学--按照地震资料解释进行地层学和沉积相的研究。
- Based on the new research results of seismic and depositional facies, the hydrocarbon resources amount is revaluated to be above 0.4 billion. 根据新的地震相和沉积相研究成果重新估算了本区的资源量在4亿吨以上。
- The fluvial-delta depositional facies sandbodies is good reservoir, primary types of the gas pool are deep basin gas trap, anticlinal trap and fault block trap.3. 气藏类型主要以深盆气藏、背斜圈闭及断块圈闭气藏为主。
- However, unlike the first one the second circle usually as starts its depositional facies from more senior transgression or regressions and then to the related facies. 但是,另一个旋回的起点通常不会重复退回原点,可能继续更高级旋回的海侵或海退过程退回相关的相位。
- The reservoir quality is strongly influenced by the depositional facies and diagenesis of the Chang 2 sandstones of braided river facies in Qinghuabian oil field. 摘要青化砭油田上三叠统长2辫状河砂岩储集层物性主要受沉积相及成岩作用的控制。
- He deposited the case in the left luggage office. 他把箱子放在行李寄存处。
- Based on the analyses of the sedimentary characteristics,depositional facies and systems of the Taiyuan formation in the Shuoxian Mining Area,the authors go further into the coal accumulation laws. 研究了朔县矿区太原组沉积特征、沉积相和沉积体系,在此基础上分析了太原组下组煤的沉积环境和聚煤规律。
- Based on the modern sedimentary environment and sedimentary facies in Qinghai Lake,and compared with ancient deposition basin, it is thought that aeolian deposition facies in the inland arid climate is an important kind of sedimention in lake environment. 通过对青海湖现代沉积环境与沉积相研究,并结合古代沉积盆地进行对比分析,认为风成堆积相是湖泊环境在内陆于煤气候条件下湖盆沉积的一种重要类型。
- He deposited 5,000 dollars in the bank. 他在银行存了五千元。
- He deposited the books on the desk. 他把书放在办公桌上了。
- In oil field of China, fluvial and delta facies reservoir are main depositional facies type, and their geological reserve accounting for nearly 80%of total reserve of clastic rock facies. 中国油田河流相与三角洲相储层的地质储量占碎屑岩相总储量的近80%25,是主要的沉积相类型。
- I think I'd like a deposit account. 我想要开个定期存款帐户。
- Based on this, the paleogeographic maps are mapped about early Baota stage and late Baota stage, respectively.At last, the authors describe the depositional facies distribution in space. 并讨论了良里塔格早、晚期沉积相的空间展布特征,编制了各时期的古地理图。
- Some insects deposit their eggs on the ground. 有些昆虫把卵产在地上。
- You may deposit your valuables in the hotel safe. 您可以将您的贵重物品放在旅馆的保险柜里。