- You should talk to this friend of mine at the Department of Motor Vehicles. 你应该找找我在机动车部门的朋友谈谈。
- General:They're in local law enforcement,hospitals,DMV(The Department of Motor Vehicles ). 将军:他们(公司的特工)分布在当地的法律部门,医院,车管所。
- But the biggest information gatherer of them all is the Department of Motor Vehicles (汽车管理部门), or DMV, of each state, according to Garfinkel. 企业开发数据库以更好地定位客户,然后政府就用这些数据库来调查犯罪。"
- Once my divorce was final, I went to the local Department of Motor Vehicles and asked to have my maiden name reinstated on my driver's license. 离婚手续办完后,我去通用汽车公司的一个当地部门请求将我前妻的名字写到驾照上。
- Then we would double back to finalize the process at the Department of Motor Vehicles, the hulking office building where I took my driver's test three years ago. 然后我们要折回头来去车管所完成最后的手续,三年前我就是在那栋庞大的楼里考驾照的。
- The passage of motor vehicles is forbidden. 机动车禁止通行。
- VEHICLE INSPECTION TEST. The car in which you take your driving test must pass an inspection by the Department of Motor Vehicles. 车辆检验。你用来参加驾驶考试的车辆必须通过机动车辆部门检验合格。
- State of California Department of Motor Vehicles 加利福尼亚州机动车局
- Most of motor vehicles run on petrol. 大部分机动车的行驶以汽油作燃料。
- Fengxian supplies for the comprehensive management of security instructions from the Department of Motor Vehicle Safety. 机动车安全检测、检验。
- Maintains and repairs all types of motor vehicles. 保养及修理各类型汽车。
- The act or process of repairing the bodies of motor vehicles. 修理车身修理机动车车身的工作或过程
- “There's no reason the Department of Motor Vehicles should be snooping around in your supermarket purchases. “汽车的某个部门是没有理由来窥探你的超市购物的”。
- The department also assesses the taxable values of motor vehicles under the Motor Vehicles (First Registration Tax) Ordinance for the purpose of levying first registration tax. 香港海关并负责根据《汽车(首次登记税)条例》评定汽车的应课税值,以征收首次登记税。
- Department of Motor Vehicles 机动车辆部
- Traffic accidents damages of motor vehicles is an important issue of tort law. 机动车交通事故损害赔偿是侵权行为法的一个重要问题。
- Streets in Gulangyu used to be free of motor vehicles and are usually quiet. 原本没有机动车的鼓浪屿,街道一般是寂静的。
- To apply maximum acceleration or thrust. Used of motor vehicles or aircraft. 提供最大的加速度或推力。用在机动交通工具或飞行器
- He works in the drapery department of the store. 他在商店的纺织品部工作。
- Seals underbody, weld joints, trunk interior and firewall of motor vehicles. 汽车底盘,焊缝,卡车内饰等。