- It is a waste of land resources. 那是浪费土地资源。
- Technology of land resources investigation in China II. 中国土地资源调查技术2。
- Source:Bureau of Land Resources and Housing Management of Tianjin. 资料来源:天津市国土资源和房屋管理局。
- For making the planning on exploitation and utilization of ground water, opinions shall be solicited from the administrative department of land and resources. 制定地下水开发利用规划应当征求国土资源主管部门的意见。
- Any entity with any demur against the list may present its demur within four days so that the administrative department of land and resources can verify and solve the problem. 对公布的有效报名机构名单有异议的,可在4日内提出,国土资源行政主管部门核实解决。
- How does Departments of Land Resources and Affiliated Organizations Play the Roles in the Construction of New Socialist Countryside 国土资源系统在新农村建设中的作为探析
- The country was noted for its uneven distribution of land resources. 这个国家以土地资源分布不均勻出名。
- Information Source:Bureau of Land Resources and Housing Management of Tianjin. 资料来源:天津市国土资源和房屋管理局。
- MDLMUCC: Municipal Department of Land Management, Urbanization, Construction and Cadastre. 市土地管理局,城市化、建设和地籍簿。建筑物管理部门。
- He works in the drapery department of the store. 他在商店的纺织品部工作。
- But, at present the management means of land resources is laggard at a majority of areas in our country. 但是,目前我国大部分地区对于土地资源的管理手段仍然比较落后。
- Present condition: Location of it has been sited.It has been approved by Government Department of Land, Environment etc. 四、项目进展情况:项目选址已定,土地、环保部门已初步同意该项目。
- This paper presents some feasible approaches to the sustainable utilization of land resources in Yangzhou City. 最后提出实现扬州市土地资源可持续利用的对策及建议。
- Informationalization of the administration of land resources is the actual application of e-government. 土地资源管理信息化是电子政务在土地管理中的具体应用 ;
- This research utilize land price announced by department of land to take place of real trade price to proceed to analyze the influence caused by MRT. 本研究利用地政处所取得之土地公告现值代替实际交易价格来进行捷运对于地价变动影响之分析,藉以讨论捷运各阶段政策对于地价产生之波动。
- The utilizing of land resources is a very important part of the sustainable development. 土地资源利用是可持续发展十分重要的部分。
- Article 5 The land administrative department of the State Council shall be unifiedly responsible for the administration and supervision of land in the whole country. 第五条国务院土地行政主管部门统一负责全国土地的管理和监督工作。
- He makes a grant of land to his son. 他将土地受让给他的儿子。
- The optimized allocation of land resources was the important problem in the process of urbanization. 土地资源的优化配置是目前我国城市化进程中面临的重要问题。
- My sister occupies an important position in the Department of the Environment. 我姐姐在环境部担任要职。