- Dentin adhesive agents 牙本质粘接剂
- dentin adhesive agent 牙本质粘接剂
- A fibrin adhesive agent was prepared from fresh human plasma by cryoprecipitation. 本文应用“冷沉淀”法从人血浆中提取纤维组织粘合剂(下简称纤粘剂)。
- Results The kind of the adhesive agents, rotor rotation speed, spraying speed, feeding power speed and balling time were found to have remarkable influence on size distribution. 结果 黏合剂的种类、主机转速、喷浆速度、供粉速度和抛光时间对微丸的目标收率有非常显著的影响。
- The result demonstrates that the roughness of old concrete and adhesive agent have important influence on bond splitting tensile strength. 结果表明,老混凝土表面粗糙度、界面剂对粘结强度有较大影响。
- The glue on the tape is a wonderful adhesive agent and will bond well to anything from a piece of crystal to the handle of a broom. 这种带子的粘胶是一种极好的粘合剂,它能牢固地粘接到任何东西上,不论是一块水晶还是一个扫帚把。
- The aim of this article was to review new progress, properties of dentin adhesives and its application in dental restoration. 本文就牙本质粘接剂的发展、性能及其在牙体修复中的应用作一综述。
- This paper in troduce the microminiaturization starch(FRAS)used as a coating adhesive agent, which under take researched by the Finnish KCL pulp &paper institute. 该文介绍了芬兰KCL制浆造纸研究所开发的微粉化淀粉作为涂布胶粘剂的应用。
- Binder: (1) Device for holding loose-leaf sheets. (2) Person who does bindery work. (3) Adhesive agent in an ink, usually a varnish or resin. Also called Binding agent. 活页夹,(2)装订工,(3)结合剂:(1)把散张书页夹紧一起的装置。(2)装订书本的工人。(3)油墨内的粘合剂,通常是清漆或树脂。
- Is adopted for moulding formation and adhesion agent. 主要用于翻砂成型及粘合剂。
- Microtensile Bond Strengths of Four Dentin Adhesive Systems 四种粘接系统的微拉伸粘接强度
- Keywords Self-etching dentin adhesive Caries Pulpal response; 自酸蚀牙本质粘接剂;深龋;牙髓反应;
- Keywords microtensile bond strength;cavity filling;dentin adhesive; 微拉伸强度;窝洞充填;牙本质粘接剂;
- A fine combination of good-quality wool and high-intensity adhesive agent, suitable for the fine buffing of metal of non-metal work pieces, and the industry of automobil-decoration. 采用优质羊毛与高强度粘合剂精致而成,适用于金属、非金属工件的精抛,广泛应用于汽车装潢等行业。
- The improved adhesive agent for building use had been applied in beer production line, with good effect, and it meets the requirements for the fast label pasting in beer production. 本文通过对聚乙烯醇缩甲醛胶粘剂合成技术的改进,并把这项技术应用到啤酒生产线上,在生产实践中应用效果很好,适应了当前啤酒生产线贴标速度快的要求。
- Calendering processing of PVC oxford artificial leather is briefly introduced.The key processing is the selection of the adhesive agent and the modified resin,and the adjustment of the formula. 简要介绍了压延法生产PVC牛津人造革的生产工艺,其关键在于粘合剂和改性树脂的选择,及配方调整。
- Special-Shaped Ceramic Molding Wax : Mainly used for ceramic powder as adhesive agent , lubricating agent and then help powder molding without influence on the following working procedure. 异型陶瓷成型用蜡:主要适用于瓷粉的粘结、润滑和成型加工工序,不会对下游工序产生影响。
- You need a strong adhesive to bond wood to metal. 需要强力胶才能把木料粘在金属上。
- Dentin bonding is the key of successful composite rein filling.In past forty years, ongoing developments and advances have improved the reliability and predictability of dentinal adhesion. 在过去四十年来,牙本质黏著剂不断研究发展,从早期的黏合困难到现今有令人满意的表现,而牙本质的黏著机转与原理也有了较清楚的轮廓。
- Results The adhesion agent has uniformity of drugs, stabilization and adhesion and has synergy with the treatment of drugs. 结果该粘附剂药物分散均匀,制剂稳定,有较强的粘附性,能协同药物发挥治疗作用。