- The melon had a delicious taste. 那个甜瓜味美可口。
- Fresh skimmed milk with hygienic package has a delicious taste. 新鲜脱脂牛奶,无菌包装,口味美妙。
- The food in this restaurant is famous for its freshness and delicious taste. 这家餐厅的食物以味美新鲜而闻名。
- The sea urchin egg, for both instant consumption and processing, has delicious taste, rich nutrients and people love its special typical delicacy. 海胆卵味道鲜美,营养丰富,即食与加工皆可,其特殊的风味颇受人们喜爱。
- Have a picnic and do the cooking yourself so as to experience the simple feelings in delicious taste. 举行一次亲自动手的野餐宴会,你能体会到美味中的纯朴之情。
- The lamb meat has some characteristics,such as much lean meat,little fat,delicious taste and good digestion. 羔羊肉具有瘦肉多、脂肪少、味美鲜嫩、容易消化等特点;
- Its delicious taste,hun su jian you , Safe soup, and there "Xiaoshi, Lee heat" of pharmacological effects. 其滋味鲜美,荤素兼优,菜汤皆宜,且又有“消食,利湿热”之药理作用。
- The fried cuttlefish mix with the salted egg make a very different and delicious taste. 煎炸后的苏冬再加入咸蛋“滚一滚”,味道截然不同!
- Grouper unique natural environment and living habits, it's nutrient-rich, tender meat, delicious taste. 石斑鱼独特的自然生态环境和生活习性,使它的营养丰富、肉质细嫩,味道鲜美。
- Sichuan style food, with its spicy and delicious taste, has won many people's love. 川菜以其麻辣鲜香的味道得到了众多人的喜爱。
- One major agricultural product of Heilongjiang Province is the soya bean. The beancurd or tofu made in Harbin has a delicious taste and a fine texture. 黑龙江省盛产大豆,豆腐细嫩味美。
- This sugar date, size uniformity, color purple transparent, tender texture, rich cinnamon, eaten with melted sweet, delicious taste. 这种糖枣,个头均匀,色泽紫红透明,质地鲜嫩,桂香浓郁,吃起来香甜酥软,味美可口。
- Eating the Hongkong-flavour chafing dish at Hilton Hotel, with fresh ingredients, delicious taste and thick soup, you will Be unforgettaBle for a long time. “希尔顿”的港式火锅,料鲜,味美,汤浓,吃后久久难忘。
- Jinhua crisp biscuit is a famous traditional specialty for its delicious taste, which can be stored for a long time. It is a traditional pastry with the special custom feature. 金华酥饼是金华市闻名遐迩的传统特产。它表皮酥脆,内荤外素,油而不腻,鲜香可口,水分少耐存放,是一种风味独特的传统糕点。
- The application of the debitter, deodorization, and nami break technique was used in the production of eaten protein from waste beer yeast which has a delicious taste. 利用啤酒厂废酵母为原料,通过脱苦、脱臭工艺及自溶,纳米对撞技术,提取其抽提物,可作为食用蛋白用于食品配料。
- The result indicated that the salted eggs pickled in this way has the delicious taste and the specialy strong fragrance, with crystal clear protein, yellow egg-yolk. 结果表明,此法腌制的咸蛋,蛋白鲜美细嫩,蛋黄黄润、松、沙、油,并有特殊的馥郁香味。
- The first fruits of mulberry and Shibuya acid, over time, mulberry fruit from blue into a purple, delicious taste of this great, sweet滋滋lot of people. 最初桑树的果实酸而涩,随着时间的推移,桑树的果子由青色变成了紫色,这下味道好吃极了,甜滋滋的让人回味无穷。
- The resul ts showed that the product obtained u nder optimum conditions has a light color,good sense of mouth,fresh and delicious taste,and keeps the char... 结果表明,在本工艺条件下研制的调味烤鲻鱼片其色泽浅,口感好,滋味鲜美可口,并具有烤鱼特有香味。
- High-quality specialty: the delicate trout succulent, delicious taste and high nutritional value, and fish in iron, zinc, calcium, vitamin volume, high carotene content. 名优特产:金鳟鱼肉质细嫩,味道鲜美,营养价值极高,鱼肉中铁、锌、钙、维生素总量、胡萝卜素含量极高。