- Our investment portfolio includes: Fuel Traders LLC, AriZona, Del Monte, American Drinks Ltd and so on. 投资案例包括:原料商人公司、瑞戴尔游戏机、国饮料公司等。
- Our customers include Campbell, Del Monte, General Mills, Hormel Foods, Nestle and many other household brand names. 我们的客户包括坎贝尔,德尔蒙特,通用磨坊,荷美尔食品有限公司,雀巢和其他许多家庭的品牌。
- Robotic case-loading system at Del Monte Pet Foods propels pouch production into an automated tiger. 机器人案件加载系统在德尔蒙特推动宠物食品袋生产到自动化虎。
- Seven boys were fund to have the name Del Monte - after the food company - and no less than 49 boys were called Canon, after the camera. 有7个男孩取名叫Del monte,这是一家食品公司的品牌,还有不少于49名男孩起名叫佳能(Canon)--照相机的品牌。
- A city of southern Italy west-northwest of Bari. The imposing Castel del Monte, built in the 3th century, is nearby. Population, 83,39. 安德里亚:意大利南部一城市,位于巴里西北偏西,建于3世纪的壮观的德蒙特城堡在其附近。人口83,39
- For Del Monte, it’s a highly efficient and sleeker Meow Mix operation poised for just about anything that marketing or market demand can throw its way. 对于德尔蒙特,这是一个高效和时尚喵组合运作准备只是任何营销或市场需求,可以扔掉了方向。
- For Del Monte Pet Foods, Decatur, AL, the motivation to convert to pouch packaging was entirely different: The carton used for its Meow Mix cat food was being discontinued. 对于德尔蒙特宠物食品,迪凯特,铝,动机转化为袋包装是完全不同的:纸箱用于其喵组合猫食被停止。
- (Vi sono undici giornate dallo Horeb, per la via del monte Seir, fino a Kades-Barnea). 从何烈山经过西珥山的路,到达加低斯.巴尼亚,共有十一天的路程。
- San Juan del Monte 圣胡安-德尔蒙特
- Castel del Monte 蒙特堡
- He broke the bank at Monte Carlo. 他在蒙特卡罗的豪赌使银行破产了。
- Del - Deletes the current position. 删除-删除当前位置的颜色。
- A former senior PP official in Galicia is now in prison;a PP mayor from Boadilla del Monte, a town near Madrid, and a member of the PP-run Madrid regional government, have resigned; 现在,一位人民党前加利西亚高级官员已被拘捕,一位来自马德里附近博阿蒂亚.;德
- Monte Cristo pressed his hands to his forehead. 基督山用双手捧住他头。
- He remembered the Count of Monte Cristo. 他想起了基督山伯爵。
- "I beg your pardon," interposed Monte Cristo. “对不起,我没听清楚。”基督山插嘴道。
- Detective Del Spooner: The robot. 戴尔·史普纳警探:那个机器人。
- Banca Monte Bei Paschi Di Siena S.P.A. 意大利西雅那银行
- Detective Del Spooner: What good old days? 戴尔·史普纳警探:什么好日子?
- "A great pity," said Monte Cristo. “太糟了