- The authors hold that over middle age,the declination of kidney qi is the chief cause for ageing and deficiency of spleen and blood stagnation are also contributory to senility.The ... 认为中年以后肾气衰退是衰老的重要原因,脾虚及血瘀亦起一定作用,在神阙、足三里穴施行保健灸具有温阳益气、活血通络作用,是一种自我保健的方法。
- Deficiency of Kidney Qi 肾气虚
- Periodontitis with deficiency of kidney" Qi" 肾气虚损型牙周炎
- This kind of medicine can deal with a lack of kidney Qi effectively, and is very suitable for patients. 这服药专治精气不足,很适合病人服用。
- It is fit for alopecia, hoary hair and pelade caused by deficiency of kidney Yin and deficiency of blood. 适用于肾阴不足,气血两虚引起的脱发、白发、斑秃,并有祛斑养颜之效。
- The major pathogenesis of osteoporosis is "deficiency of kidney essence, reduction of marrow and flaccidity of bones". 摘要根据中医“肾藏精生髓主骨”的理论,论证“肾精不足、髓减骨痿”是骨质疏松症的主要病机。
- Because of the deficiency of kidney energy and the invasion of pathogen, there arise a series of symptoms of coexistent deficiency and excess. 在此基础上,多因邪侵,出现因虚致实、虚实夹杂的一系列病理表现。
- Objective To compare the anti-aging effect of polysaccharides from crude and processed Cornus Officinalis on the mice with deficiency of kidney. 目的探讨山茱萸炮制前后多糖成分对肾阴虚模型小鼠抗衰老作用的差异。
- Hair during the various stages of one's life exemplifies the physiological changes which are connected to the developments of kidney qi or the vital energy of the body. 头发是生命中各阶段里的生理变化的主要指标,由于肾气兴旺才得以长得既长又多,乌黑光亮。
- Objective:To observe the effect of Bushen Recipe in treating the deficiency of yin of kidney of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). 目的:观察补肾方治疗肾阴虚型多囊卵巢综合征(PCOS)的临床疗效。
- It considers senile dementia has causa morbi and mechanism of deficiency of kidney, mutual piling of sputum and blood stasis. 摘要认为老年性痴呆的病因病机为肾精亏损,痰饮瘀血互结。
- Milkvetch Root is one of the main drugs for replenishing Qi and playing an important role in the treatment of kidney disease.It can reinforce original qi and kidney qi. 黄芪是补气要药,在肾系疾病的治疗中具有重要作用,可补益元气,大补肾气,古文献中有丰富的记载与研究。
- Ovum hypoevolutism and ejection handicap were the nuclear pathogenesis of PCOS, its basic pathology accorded with deficiency of kidney and blood stasis. 多囊卵巢综合征(PCOS)的核心病机是卵子发育延迟和排出障碍,符合肾虚血瘀的基本病理。
- Effect: kidney in Vigo-rating, loins-strengthening, suitable for lumbago, asthenia of kidney, drizzle ness and tinnitus, especially for the impotence and other deficiency of sexuality. 功效:补肾壮阳、益精、治劳损、腰膝酸痛、肾虚、耳聋、耳鸣,对阳痿及有性功能障碍者有特殊疗效.
- Objective To explore the curative effect and mechanism of treation Anovulatory Dysfunctional Bleeding patients because of PCOS diagnosed deficiency of kidney and blood stasis syndrome. 目的:探讨中西医结合治疗因多囊卵巢综合征(PCOS)出现无排卵性功能失调性子宫出血(以下简称无排卵性功血)证属肾虚血瘀型的临床疗效及作用机理。
- From the research results of Alzheimer Dementia(AD) it is considered that deficiency and failure of five Zang mainly manifested as deficiency of kidney essence is the pathologic basis of AD onset. 从老年性痴呆(AD)研究的角度进行探讨,认为肾精亏虚为主的五脏虚衰是AD发生的病变基础,肾精充盛,髓海有余,脑主神明功能正常。
- Conclusions Polysaccharides from Cornus Officinalis have certain anti-aging effect on the mice with deficiency of kidney, and the effect of the processed is superior to that of the crude. 结论山茱萸多糖对肾阴虚模型小鼠有一定的抗衰老作用,且制品作用优于生品。
- Deficiency of kidney and debility of marrow 肾虚髓衰
- Analysis of Personality of 50 Infertility Patients Due to Deficiency of Kidney and Stagnation of Liver Qi 50例肾虚肝郁不孕症患者人格结构分析
- The deficiency of this plan is very clear and it can't possibly succeed. 这项计划的缺陷是很明显的,它不可能成功。