- Deers want to play too? 鹿也要来后院玩?
- But during the game, I want to play too badly to do something stupid and get a flagrant or something like that. 但是在比赛中,我只是无比渴望能够打球,不会去做傻事惹来恶意犯规或者其他东西。”
- Zimbardo himself decided that he wanted to play too, and elected himself Prison Superintendent. 津巴多自己也希望参与到实验中去,并且自己任命自己为监狱总监。
- The neighbours' children want to learn to play the trumpet, perish the thought! 邻居的孩子想学吹小号,但愿他们别学!
- Hello, I want to play soccer on green grass. 你们好,我要在草地上踢足球。
- I want to find Li Ming to play table tennis with. 我想找李明打乒乓球。
- I want to learn how to play cards. 我想学怎么打扑克牌。
- I want to play football with my partner. 我打算和我的伙伴去踢足球.
- Who would you want to play you in a movie? 如果有关于你的电影,你希望谁来演你?
- Our competitors want to play cat-and-mouse with us. 我们的对手想和我们玩猫捉老鼠的有戏。
- Want to play table tennis well? Welcome to join us! 想打一手好球么?我们乒乓球兴趣组欢迎你的加入。
- Do you want to play basketball with me? 您要跟我打篮球吗?
- Do you want to play golf tomorrow? 你明天想打高尔夫球吗?
- Double-click the game you want to play. 双击要玩的游戏。
- We, however, want to play the piano, not the harp! 然而我们是想弹钢琴而不弹竖琴!
- I don't want to play Gooseberry. 我可不想做电灯泡。
- I don't want to play with a reserve team. 我不想派预备组作赛。
- If your want to play back, press the green button. 如果想重播的话就按那个绿色的按钮。
- But now I just want to play the next game. 不过我现在想的只是把下一场的比赛打好。”
- Those who want to play golf, please come here. 想打高尔夫球的人请到这里来。